Trivium Pursuit Blog
How to fit it all in?
Dear Bluedorns, I have finished reading your book. I love it. I wanted to give my children a classical education but with a Biblical emphasis. My question for you is after looking at your schedule, how do you fit it all in? I really want to give each of my children...
Seven Days Till Pie Auction
Our auctioneers, Jason Hemmer and Melody Hemmer.
Virginia Reel Dance-Off at Pie Auction
2006 Contest Video by the Austins The 2008 Re-Match Video by the Austins
Eight Days Till Pie Auction
Now confirmed -- Virginia Reel Dance-Off -- read more about it here. Our auctioneers have been confirmed: Melody Hemmer and Jason Hemmer New items for the silent auction: Doggie Gift Basket which includes Fresh n' clean shampoo Catch a bubble for dogs 6 Various dog...
Hebrew Helps
Harvey, do you have favorite Hebrew study resources? Lexicons, interlinears, etc.? My husband is in the middle of another study on Genesis and would like some helps. I gave him the Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament for Christmas (he thought it was a very...
Nine Days Till Pie Auction
We have 135 people now. Possible "Dance-Off" between two as yet anonymous couples. More later. Two roaring cozy indoor fires in the fireplaces. Four entries in the Best Pumpkin Pie Contest (need more!). New donations for the silent auction. Ryann Igarashi contributes:...
Yes, I’m now allowed to tell…..
Adam and Johannah are going to have a baby!
Francois Brunery
Admiring the Baby
Arthur Alfred Burrington
The New Baby
Ten Days Till Pie Auction
So far, here is what we have: 126 people (we need more!!) Delicious supper for all Beautiful flute and piano music 1 1/2 hours of barn dancing with John Lane -- fiddle, Hans Bluedorn -- guitar, Mike Kline -- guitar, and Patti Christianson -- caller 30 desserts to...
Line-up of dances for the pie auction
Grand march and then the gents step up beside their partners and dance Fjeskern All American Promenade (aka Gay Gordon's) and then line up for everybody's favorite Virginia Reel Twelve reel (Square for 4 trios) Oxo sashay (Longways set dance for six couples in each...
Chierici Gaetano
Feeding the Baby
Mary Cassatt
A Kiss for Baby Anne
Name That Tune Contest
What is another name for Op. 49 No. 4 Wiegenlied: Guten Abend, Gute Nacht by J. Brahms? First person to tell us wins a copy of My Mommy My Teacher. Post your answer in the comments section here.
More On the Pie Auction for Greg Wallace
So far we have 126 people signed up to attend the Pie Auction/Barn Dance Benefit for Greg Wallace on November 7. Thirty desserts, 15 baskets and other silent auction items, and 5 raffle items have been donated. We also have 2 entries in the Best Pumpkin Pie Contest...
Raffle Items for Pie Auction
We have five items which we will raffle off at the Pie Auction for Greg Wallace. Handmade Quilt by Coie Igarashi, daughter of Geoff and Jenefer Igarashi. The Igarashi family will be driving up from Tennessee to attend the pie auction. CHRISTINO Prelude Violin Outfit,...
Furnace Oil and Propane Prices?
The price of #2 furnace oil has gone from $3.828 (that's with taxes and delivered) on October 7 to $2.98 on October 24. Propane is now at $2.12. What are the prices where you live? It hasn't gone below freezing here yet, so we're waiting to see how low the price will...
Reminder about the Pie Auction/Barn Dance Fund Raiser for Greg Wallace
Pie Auction/Barn Dance Fund Raiser for Greg Wallace, oldest son of Larry and Nan Wallace — long time homeschool leaders in the Decatur, Illinois area -- set for November 7 near Bloomington, Illinois. We have 115 people attending so far. The building holds 170 maximum....
Large Family Logistics — The Art and Science of Managing the Large Family
by the Brenneman family "Large is perspective. With each child God has grown us and met our needs as He saw fit. Family is Dad, Mom, and nine children ages 17, 15, 13, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, and 1. Logistics is how we do what we do." This is one of my favorite web sites....
There’s No Hurry
We are first time homeschoolers with a 10 year old and a 7 year old and a 2 1/2 year old. How would we integrate these ages into the trivium method and maintain order. The eldest child (male) is so burnt on school. We are concerned about adjustment and interest. He is...
Talented and Gifted
I'm just now preparing to begin home schooling my oldest child, who turned five in January. I'm intending to follow a classical model. I've just recently found your website and I've read your articles on early formal education. My daughter is, in your terms, a...
Solutions to Dawdling
We have had two dawdling sons. With the oldest, his dawdling skills were perfected at about the age of 12. He was old enough to stay home alone, so if we had an errand planned, he had to stay home if his work was not done. We were not on the go a lot, so this was...
Excerpt from The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs
.....We, indeed, look at things by pieces, we look at one detail and do not consider the relation that one thing has to another, but God looks at all things at once, and sees the relation that one thing has to another. When a child looks at a clock, it looks first at...
Letter from Tracy Klicka
To whom it may concern, The issue I presented in my [previous] email, that a lawsuit has been filed against Barack Obama over the legitimacy of his birth certificate as a United States natural born citizen, is neither an e-rumor nor does it have anything to do with...
One of my favorite blogs….
Kendra Fletcher is the homeschooling mother of eight, ages 15 down to 5 months. She has never known what it means to homeschool without the presence of preschoolers, and loves to encourage other moms beginning their homeschool journeys with little ones underfoot. Her...
Just to let you know….
....I still don't have a winner in last week's Homeschooling with the Trivium (#513) contest. Email me if you think you know the answer.
Read Aloud Suggestions
Dear Laurie, This year I began slowly shifting over to using the trivium method, but am interested in finding books I can read aloud to my 2nd and 3rd graders. Please give me any suggestions you might have. Thank you, Julie, CA How about these: Shasta of the Wolves by...
More on the Wizard of Oz….
By the way, This is what Frank L. Baum said about the same subject in the original book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz first published in 1900. "Can't you give me brains?" asked the Scarecrow. "You don't need them. You are learning something every day. A baby has brains,...
Learning Latin
I have a question regarding the Artes Latinae Latin curriculum. The publisher Bolchazy-Carducci claims, "Conventional techniques of Latin-to-English and English-to-Latin are used sparingly. Memorization of rules is minimized. In place of this there is a mass of drill...
Famous Quote Contest
UPDATE: We have a winner. Here were the entries: Susan Mertens Julie Austin -- no, Julie, it isn't Ron Paul Stephanie Hansen Kendra Fletcher Jim Lunden, Connell, WA ---------------------- WINNER Ghada Dwalibi, Sydney, Australia Mrs. K. Hewett, Pennsylvania Who said...