Homeschooling With The Trivium
Christian Classical Homeschooling with a Practical Focus – Resources for Homeschoolers who use the Classical Approach

Homeschool Resources
The Hidden Costs of Doing Business Outside of Your Philosophical Neighborhood
In Favor of Religious Discrimination As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. — Galatians 6:10 We are commanded, whenever we have an appropriate occasion, to work what is good toward all...
How to Use the Internet to do Research
Homeschooling families use the library often. We go to the library whenever we want to look something up or we want to find a book to read. But did you know that the Internet can be just as useful (or even more useful) in doing research? We will discuss two parts of...
Homeschool Speech and Debate
Most homeschoolers have not been introduced to speech and debate. We wish to communicate to others what we are learning about these subjects. Start here -- The Fallacy Detective: Thirty-Eight Lessons on How to Recognize Bad Reasoning Speech A short introduction....
Good Books to Read
Eh, Lassie, are ye leukin fer a gude beuk to read aloud to yer wee bairns? These are a few books we have especially enjoyed reading to our children: Bob, Son of Battle by Alfred Ollivant Books by John Buchan Rose of Paradise, and others by Howard Pyle John Holdsworth:...
Articles for Beginners
Delay & Re-posting, Product Prices, Trivium Pursuit Logo, This blog, Special Sales DELAY & RE-POSTING I am re-posting the (slightly updated) substance of this blog because the renovation of the website caused some problems with the blog so that the original...
Suggested Course of Study
This is only a brief overview of our Suggested Course of Study. A more thorough discussion can be found in our Teaching the Trivium book, in our seminar tapes, and on our Homeschooling with the Trivium Email List. Early Knowledge Level Before age ten, the child is...
Seven Undeniable Truths of Homeschooling
We taught our oldest son to read 20 years ago, and since that time we have been doing all the schooling of our children at home. At that time, there were only a few thousand children being homeschooled in the United States. But today that number has swelled to perhaps...
The Transformation of Classical Education
And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (Romans 122) What is Classical Education? Is Classical Education reading Homer and Plato, or Caesar...
The Rhetoric Level
The trivium model for child development may be explained in computer terms. Children are: • “Booting up” at the Pre-Grammar level (birth through ~9). • “Keying in” the information at the Grammar level (~10 through 12). • “Processing” at the Logic level (~13 through...
The Logic Level: Ten Things to Do From Ages 13-15
When children reach the logic stage, homeschooling becomes interesting! Early teens are developing into thinking, questioning, reasoning creatures. They are no longer content to know what happened; they want to know why. To put this all in computer terms: children...
The Grammar Level: Ten Things to Do From Ages 10-12
Consider this basic maxim of homeschooling: "There is only so much time in the day." Keep this idea in mind as you decide which of the many subjects your child will study throughout his school-age years. What's the best use of each day's time? In our last article we...
Building a Firm Foundation for Classical Education: The Things to Do Before Age Ten
Some classical educators focus on the classical method and others focus on the classical subjects. Those who focus on the subjects (Latin, logic, etc.) tend to want to get to the academics as early as possible. Those who focus on the method (the trivium) tend to slow...
The Trivium In A Capsule
The Trivium consists of the first three formal subjects of the seven liberal arts: Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric. This is the formal Trivium in the classical sense. This formal Trivium is an academic reflection of the more basic Biblical Trivium, the mental capacities...
Trivium & Classical Education
The Reasoning Railroad – Mystery Train (continued)
NOTE: The first installment of The Reasoning Railroad – namely, Chapter 1a: Mystery Train – originally went out on our Blog email list, but due to a programming error, the link did not appear on our front page or on our blog page. We have since posted the link on our...
An Interview with Martin Luther On Classical Education
The Protestant denominations trace their origins back to Martin Luther, the Christian reformer. His reforms touched on many things, not the least of which was education. Here, cast into the form of an interview, and using his own characteristically forceful and...
Why Study Classical Languages?
Why Study Classical Languages? Test scores indicate that students who learn a foreign language have a much stronger grasp of English language skills. Tests also indicate that studying a foreign language sharpens the mind. Classical languages may prove the most...
What Is the Trivium?
The trivium organizes children's education into three Biblical categories. Knowledge is the facts - the dates in history, the data in science and the notes in music. Understanding organizes the facts into logical order - the reasons behind history, the theory of...
Why Classical School at Home?
The Question If parents wanted their children to have a good classical education, wouldn't their best option be a good Classical Christian school? Why would a parent choose homeschooling over a private Classical school? This question is especially timely. Classical...
Outcome-Based Education versus Trivium-Based Education
Part I ANCIENT PERSECUTION OF THE TRIVIUM On December 11, 361 Julian became Emperor of Rome. He immediately set out to restore the worship of the ancient gods. February 4, 362 he proclaimed religious "toleration," and moved to reopen the pagan temples. He had learned...
Three Pillars of Classical Education
The Return to Classical Education How can you prepare your children for the real tests of life? How can you give them a strong Christian education? Many homeschool parents are re-discovering these goals in Classical Education. Consider the following three pillars of...
Definition for Classical Education
Those who incorporate the reading of ancient classical authors, and declare this to be of the very essence of any education which could be styled as Classical, are actually referring to what might better be called a Classical Humanist Education. We do not mean to call...
Homeschools Should Increase, and Classrooms Should Decrease
Selected and Condensed from "Should Christians Prefer a Classroom School?," Chapter Three of Teaching the Trivium by Harvey and Laurie Bluedorn. Copyright September 2001. All rights reserved. We should all agree that Christian parents are to follow Biblical order by...
Four Approaches to the Study of Ancient Literature
The purpose of this article is to help Christians to develop their own Biblical approach to evaluating literature. We cannot describe every possible approach, but we will briefly describe three common approaches to the study of classical literature, then we will...
Best of Homeschooling with the Trivium Newsletter Year 2005-Part 3
From: Kari L. Shivvers Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2005 Dear Laurie and Harvey, This short article was sent down our homeschooling loop a few days ago, and I thought it was one interesting way to handle the socialization fallacy. Thank you for the additional information that...
Best of Homeschooling with the Trivium Newsletter Year 2005-Part 2
From: Tanya Preble Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005 When I first told my daughters ages 14 & 16 that they were going to study logic you should have heard the groans! We are just starting Lesson 13 in The Fallacy Detective and I'm not hearing any more groans from them. I...
Best of Homeschooling with the Trivium Newsletter Year 2005-Part 1
Review by The Story of Mr. Pippin by Johannah Bluedorn The Story of Mr. Pippin is a heartwarming picturebook about the relationship between a young girl and Mr. Pippin, an orphan raccoon that she rescued. The foods he ate and the time he shared...
Best of Homeschooling with the Trivium Newsletter Year 2004-Part 3
From: Don Potter Subject: Ruth in Hebrew Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2004 Dear Harvey, I just published Dr. Louis Tyler's recording of the Hebrew text of Ruth. This will be great for home school parents teaching their children to read Hebrew. Bible College and Seminary students...
Best of Homeschooling with the Trivium Newsletter Year 2004-Part 2
Peace After a Storm by John Newton When darkness long has veil'd my mind, And smiling day once more appears; Then, my Redeemer, then I find The folly of my doubts and fears. Straight I upbraid my wand'ring heart, And blush that I should ever be Thus prone to act so...
Best of Homeschooling with the Trivium Newsletter Year 2004-Part 1
Preventing Rudeness in Homeschooled Children by Barbara Frank (used with permission) My family has gotten to know a lot of great kids over the course of our 14 years of homeschooling. We've found homeschooled kids to be generally pleasant, smart, and independent. ...
Best of Homeschooling with the Trivium Newsletter Year 2003-Part 3
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 From: Joan O. Ham >>We have a rule in our home...if a game is all luck and no strategy, it doesn't come home. As you can imagine, we own just a select few, high-quality games and we are in need of some variety without sacrificing quality....
Best of Homeschooling with the Trivium Newsletter Year 2003-Part 2
From: Clay Lin Subject: Homeschool Greek Dear Mr. Bluedorn, I have just received Homeschool Greek and I am delighted to find out it is as good, if not much better, as advertised. Thank you very much for publishing such a great material for studying biblical Greek, I...
Best of Homeschooling with the Trivium Newsletter Year 2003-Part 1
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 From: Pilgrim South Subject: Re: history curriculums Dear Bluedorns, Thanks for all the info on the history curriculums that will work with your upcoming book! If you had to choose one, which would it be for an older child (14)? Thanks so much...
Best of Homeschooling with the Trivium Newsletter Year 2002-Part 3
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 Subject: children bonding with others From: adorehymn >> she would realize that children with this particular sort of disability have a TERRIBLE time bonding with anyone but immediate family. I agree that one of the difficulties with these...
Best of Homeschooling with the Trivium Newsletter Year 2002-Part 2
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 From:(amy meyer) city: Royersford state: Pa message: Laurie, Once again, thank you for being so gracious in allowing me to ask you so many questions this past weekend in Indiana. Now that I have been home, I have contacted HSLDA and several...
Best of Homeschooling with the Trivium Newsletter Year 2002-Part 1
Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2001 Harry Potter I have been reading with curiosity all the post on Harry Potter. Christian telling mature adult parents (other Christians) what is right and wrong! What foolishness we enter into. Ground that is not ours to interpret. What is liberty...
Best of Homeschooling with the Trivium Newsletter Year 2001-Part 3
From: "momof5" Subject: Music and art appreciation? Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 Question #1: Is it not necessary to teach art and music appreciation on the early grammar stage? If not, why not and if so, how? We love and listen to much classical music and love to look at...
Best of Homeschooling with the Trivium Newsletter Year 2001-Part 2
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 From: (gisela dunn) Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bluedorn: If you can answer this question I would be so thankful. If it is answered in your new book, don't bother, because I am planning to buy it. Here is my questions: I would like to teach a classical...
Best of Homeschooling with the Trivium Newsletter Year 2001-Part 1
From: "Heather & Rusty" Subject: delaying the instruction of mathematics Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2000 Dear Bluedorns, I am writing to get some thoughts from you on the delaying of math instruction. I have your set of 8 pamphlets on the Trivium so you may even be able to...
Best of Homeschooling with the Trivium Newsletter Year 2000-Part 2
Here is our response to a letter from a subscriber asking about the amount of contact homeschooling families have with grandparents and other close relatives: Wouldn't it be wonderful if we were surrounded by our own aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters, parents,...
Best of Homeschooling with the Trivium Newsletter Year 2000-Part 1
Date: Sun, 26 Dec From: Katherine Craig I have been thinking about this (following your recommendations more closely) and asked my children today (dd's ages 7 and 8) what they would think if we set aside math and spelling instruction for the month of January and I...
Best of Homeschooling with the Trivium Newsletter Year 1999
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 From: Wayne S Walker Dear friends, Last month we began a discussion of the pros and cons of a "classical education." That discussion will continue this month. To make sure that we understand what we are talking about, let us first define a...
Best of Homeschooling with the Trivium Newsletter Year 1998
From: Damian Arthur Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bluedorn, Greetings from Australia! Have been doing some "research" online and have come across some very interesting information from yours and similar sites. We are parents who intend to home-school our...
Classical Q & A — Part Three
Our relatives are not supportive of our homeschooling and are always criticizing us. How much contact should we have with them? Mary Wouldn't it be wonderful if we were surrounded by our own parents, and grandparents, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters? And what...
Classical Q & A — Part Two
Question: What is the goal of the Trivium? Answer: The goal of the Trivium is to give the student the necessary tools or skills which make him free from his teacher so that he can learn by himself. Thats why the Trivium tools are called the Liberal or liberating Arts....
Classical Q & A
Question: Our oldest son (in fifth grade) has been anxious about public school from the time he started kindergarten, so now we are thinking about homeschooling him. Our youngest son (in third grade) loves school and is at the top of his class, so we're leaving him...
Practical Articles
Interview with Harvey and Laurie Bluedorn
TOS: For those of our readers who don't know you very well, you have been homeschooling for several years. In fact, you had some unique experiences during your early years of homeschooling. What was life like for homeschoolers in Iowa in the 1970s? In a word: Jail!...
Interview with Johannah Bluedorn
Welcome to TOS magazine! I am sure you have heard this before, but your illustrations remind me of Tasha Tudor's. Were you in any way influenced by her artwork? I remember reading A is for Annabelle, which is one of Tasha Tudor's most popular books, when I was 7 years...
What Makes a Book Good
We do not want only to develop a love for reading in our children. We want to develop a love for reading good literature. We won’t develop an appetite for good food by feasting on junk food – and we carry that analogy over to literature. So how do we know what books...
Contests in Your Curriculum
Contests are an educational experience especially suited for homeschooled students. What can contests do for your child academically? Consider: Contests are great motivators. Envision a typical Homeschool assignment. Mom asks Henry to write a composition on What...
The Trivium and Charlotte Mason
Are the Classical Approach and the Charlotte Mason Approach two homeschool approaches so opposite from each other that they cannot be reconciled? Or is it possible to use a combination of these two approaches? Lets look at each of these approaches separately and see...
A Comparison of Different Methods and Approaches to Homeschooling
In Conjunction with The Trivium Matrix We will compare some of the different methods and approaches to Homeschooling with which many of us are already familiar. Before doing so, let us review the Trivium Model of Child Development. Children pass through several...
Research on the Teaching of Math
Formal Arithmetic at Age Ten, Hurried or Delayed? Provincialism is the word which we use to describe an opinion which is narrow and self-centered in perspective. Because the common practice in our culture in our day is to begin formal instruction in arithmetic as...
On Early Academics
I. Our Opinion of Unschooling How Misunderstandings Arise Then Peter, turning about, seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved following . . . . Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, "Lord, and what shall this man do?" Jesus saith unto him, "If I will that he tarry till I come,...
Ten Things to Do with Your Child Before Age Ten
Introductory Remarks The goal of Classical Education is to give students the tools with which to learn on their own — to liberate them from the drudgery of task-performance and to make them independent scholars. In previous chapters we have: Explained how the trivium...
The Comparative Critical Greek New Testament
The King James Version Versus Modern English Versions
The Text and Margins of Robinson and Pierpont (2005) Com[ared to the Text and Margins of Hodges and Farstad
Ἐκκλησία in the New Testament, Part Three
Comparison of Greek Pronunciation Systems
Greek Pronunciation Systems Over the years, several persons have written to us regarding how the many different systems of pronunciation which can be found in various Greek grammars may or may not differ from the pronunciation system used in our A Greek Alphabetarion:...
Three Levels to Mastering Greek
Three Levels to Mastering Greek Learn to read and pronounce the Greek Alphabet, then to pronounce Greek words. When a child can do this in English, he can begin to do this in Greek. After this is developed, a Greek-English Interlinear Bible may be useful in developing...
Why Study Greek?
We think Greek is a foreign language written in a foreign alphabet. Yet we speak and write Greek every day without realizing it. Our Alphabet comes from Greek. Our Vocabulary is filled with Greek. Much can be said of the broad understanding of language and culture...
Pronunciation audio file for Greek Alphabetarion now free
The pronunciation audio file for the book A Greek Alphabetarion: A Primer for Teaching How to Read, Write & Pronounce Ancient & Biblical Greek by Harvey Bluedorn is now free to all. You can download it here.
Exegetical Translation of the Bible (XT)
James 4:1-10 Exegetical Translation (XT)
Philippians 4:4-9 Exegetical Translation (XT)
Philippians 2:1-30 Exegetical Translation (XT)
John 1:9-10 Exegetical Translation (XT)
John 1:6-8 Exegetical Translation (XT)
John 1:4-5 Exegetical Translation (XT)
John 1:1-3 Exegetical Translation (XT)
A Brief (and Incomplete) Introduction to this Exegetical Translation (XT)
The Reasoning Railroad – Mystery Train (continued)
NOTE: The first installment of The Reasoning Railroad – namely, Chapter 1a: Mystery Train – originally went out on our Blog email list, but due to a programming error, the link did not appear on our front page or on our blog page. We have since posted the link on our...
The Reasoning Railroad — Mystery Train
Adult Introduction We all know intrinsically how to reason – it is part of our created being. Nevertheless, the powers of reason, like other innate abilities, can be strengthened and refined through exercise and instruction. Our purpose here is to teach formal...
Learning Logic at Home
Inductive and Deductive Bible Studies
The labels inductive and deductive may be applied to several things, including methods of reasoning and methods of studying. A deductive approach moves from the rule to the example, and an inductive approach moves from the example to the rule. I will first...
Two Methods of Reasoning
An Introduction to Inductive and Deductive Logic Fixing Flawed Thinking We often suppose that the other guy's thinking is flawed, without even considering whether the real problem is actually with our own thinking. We tend to elevate our limited observations and our...
Formal and Informal Fallacies
Logical Fallacies A fallacy is a defect in an argument which misleads the mind. The defect may be intentional or unintentional. If the defect is intentional, we sometimes call it a sophism. One's understanding of fallacies may be used for good, in order to avoid or...
Logic — A Suggested Course of Study
I am preparing to teach an introduction to logic course to my seventh graders this fall, and all four of them are excited about it. I have never taught logic, and all that I have learned came from Martin Cothran’s Traditional Logic. I’m trying to go through...
Logic Comes in Two Flavors
Why Study Logic?
Why Study Logic? Perhaps the most important thing to give your child to prepare him to confront this world is a firm grasp of logical thinking skills. Without this refined skill — the ability to reason correctly — his thinking is not firmly anchored, but is "tossed to...
What is Logic, and Is It Dangerous?
More Articles
Recommendations and Reviews of Trivium Pursuit Products
Hello Harvey and Laurie, I wanted to tell you something of encouragement. I know you likely followed the plan of your own book, Teaching the Trivium, and we did, too, as best we could. Our daughter, Cara, first won our county spelling bee and then our regional bee...
Aaron Auberg and Helena Bluedorn Wedding March 26, 2011
Officiated by Michael Rudolph, Calvary Church, Muscatine, Iowa PROCESSIONAL: Psalm 45:10-17 sung by Leah Seydel WELCOME: Friends, Welcome, and thank you for coming today to share in this important celebration in the lives of Aaron and Helena. We are gathered here...
Hans Bluedorn and Desi Flickinger Wedding September 11, 2010
Reception following at West Liberty Community Center, West Liberty, Iowa Wedding Toast by Harvey Bluedorn I would like to offer a little counsel to Hans and Desiree. When I was first married, I had this idea of radical honesty – just say what you’re thinking, be...
Adam Stanford and Johannah Bluedorn Wedding August 26, 2007
Welcome to the celebration of Christian Marriage for Johannah Bluedorn and Adam Stanford. They have chosen to share with you, their families and friends, this newest step of joy in their lives. We rejoice with them in their solemn commitment before God as we share...
Salvation by Grace: John 5-6
Philippians 2:1-30 The Pattern of Humility — Resetting the Direction of Your Mind
James 4:1-10 The Cause and Cure of Conflict among Brethren
Matthew 5:19
I have a question about some scripture. It is Matthew 5:19. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom...
How to Use Webster’s Speller to Teach Spelling, Handwriting, Grammar, and Vocabulary
Noah Webster graduated from Yale College in 1778, at age 20, and commenced teaching in several small American schools. He came to dislike these schools due to their being overcrowded, poorly staffed, and poorly equipped. His American Spelling Book (first published in...
A Few Words About the Sin of Hasty Conclusions
The Wrong Idea Imagine yourself in one of these scenarios: 1) Somebody criticizes what you have done, but you know he has no understanding of the situation, and if he did, you are certain he would have a different opinion. 2) A report comes back to you that represents...
The Trivium Pursuit Story
Thank you, Old Schoolhouse Magazine, for allowing us to tell your readers about how our family launched a book writing and publishing business. It was shortly after our first child was born in 1975 that we latched onto the idea of homeschooling. After some...
On Family Worship: Biblical Facts, Biblical Foundations, and Practical Suggestions
Introduction Ask for the Old Paths Jeremiah 6:16 Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein. The picture which...
The Homeschool Movement in Germany
In September, 2004 we interviewed Sebastian and Kathleen Engelhardt, a young couple homeschooling their son in Germany. Q: What is homeschooling like in Germany? A: The Americans who live in Germany on the military bases have no problems in homeschooling. It's the...
Nehemiah 1-2
PASSAGE TO READ: Nehemiah 1:1-11 & 2:1-8 A Selected portion: 1:3 And they said unto me, The remnant that are left of the captivity there in the province are in great affliction and reproach: the wall of Jerusalem also is broken down, and the gates thereof are...
Artículos en Español
Descripciones de los Libros de Trivium Pursuit y Christian Logic – Traducido por Perla Adams
Teaching the Trivium: Christian Homeschooling in a Classical Style by Harvey and Laurie Bluedorn Como le puede dar a sus hijos las herramientas que ellos necesitan para aprender por si mismos? Tiempo atrás a los estudiantes primero se les enseñaba a aprender. Hoy, a...
Sobre la Alabanza Familiar: Hechos Bíblicos, Fundamentos Bíblicos, y Sugerencias Prácticas – Traducido por Perla Adams
Introduction Pregunta por los Antiguos Senderos Jeremías 6:16 Así dijo el Señor: Paraos en los caminos, y mirad, y preguntad por las sendas antiguas, cual sea el buen camino, y andad por él, y hallaréis descanso para vuestra alma. Mas dijeron: No andaremos allí. La...
¿Por que Estudiar Griego? – Traducido por Perla Adams
Nosotros pensamos que Griego es un lenguaje extranjero escrito en un alfabeto extranjero. Sin embargo hablamos y escribimos Griego todos los días sin darnos cuenta. Nuestro Alfabeto viene del griego. Nuestro vocabulario esta lleno de griego. Mucho puede ser dicho...
Sobre la Enseñanza Temprana de Asignaturas Académicas – Traducido por Perla Adams
I. Nuestra Opinión sobre No-Escolarización Como se Origina el Malentendido Volviéndose Pedro, vio que lo seguía el discípulo a quien amaba Jesús,…Cuando Pedro lo vio, dijo a Jesús: Señor, y ¿qué de este?, Jesús le dijo: Si quiero que el quede hasta que yo vuelva, ¿que...
Entrevista con Harvey y Laurie Bluedorn – Traducido por Perla Adams
TOS: Para nosotros, lectores quienes no te conocemos muy bien, ustedes han estado educando en casa por varios años, De hecho, ustedes tienen una única experiencia durante lo primeros años de educación en casa, ¿ Cómo era la vida para los educadores en casa en Iowa en...
La Defensa Logica de la Fe – Traducido por Perla Adams
La Transformación de la Educación Clásica – Traducido por Perla Adams
No os conforméis a este mundo, sino transformaos por medio de la renovación de vuestro entendimiento, para que comprobéis la buena voluntad de Dios, agradable y perfecta. (Romanos 12:2) ¿Que es Educación Clásica? ¿Es Educación Clásica leer a Homero y Platón, o Cesar y...
Siete Verdades Innegables de la Educación en Casa – Traducido por Perla Adams
Enseñamos a nuestro hijo mayor a leer hace 20 años y desde ese tiempo hemos hecho toda la escolarización de nuestros hijos en casa. En ese tiempo, había solo unos pocos miles de niños siendo educados en casa en los Estados Unidos, pero hoy el número es quizás de unos...
Diez Cosas Para Hacer Con su Niño(a) Antes De La Edad De Diez Años – Traducido por Perla Adams
Por Harvey y Laurie Bluedorn. Derechos de Autor 1998. Todos los derechos reservados. Traducido por Luz Hunton – 2003 Este artículo ha sido expandido e impreso en nuestro libro, Enseñando el Trivium (Teaching the Trivium). (Por favor referirse a nuestro artículo “¿Qué...
¿Qué es el Trivium? – Traducido por Perla Adams
¿Qué es el Trivium? La palabra Latina “Trivium” significa “tres caminos o rutas” La educación antigua y medieval era estructurada alrededor del Trivium - los tres caminos - el cual consistía de las siguientes materias: Gramática o la habilidad de comprender hechos....
Curso del Estudio Sugerido – Traducido por Perla Adams
Diez Cosas Para Hacer Entre Las Edades De Diez A Doce Años 1. Alabanza Familiar Estudio Biblico Familiar por la mañana y por la noche, usando preguntas del nivel de Conocimiento; memorización. 2. Literatura y Lectura en voz alta Continue leyendo en voz alta dos horas...
Artigos em Português
Sete Verdades Inegáveis Sobre a Educação em Casa – Tradução para o português Juliana Starling
Ensinamos nosso filho mais velho a ler há 20 anos, e desde aquele tempo temos feito toda a escolarização dos nossos filhos em casa. Naquele tempo, havia apenas poucos milhares de crianças sendo educados em casa nos Estados Unidos. Mas hoje esse número aumentou...
O Nível Lógico – Tradução para o português Allan Ribeiro
Quando as crianças atingem o estágio lógico, o ensino em casa torna-se interessante! Crianças que acabaram de se tornar adolescentes estão se tornando criaturas pensantes, questionadoras e racionais. Elas não ficam mais satisfeitas em saber o que aconteceu; elas...
O Nível Gramática – Tradução para o português Allan Ribeiro
Considere este axioma básico do ensino em casa: "O dia só tem 24 horas". Mantenha esta idéia em mente quando você estiver decidindo quais dos muitos assuntos que o seu filho irá estudar nos seus anos de escolaridade. Qual a melhor maneira de usar o tempo a cada dia?...
A Transformação da Educação Clássica – Tradução para o português Allan Ribeiro
E não vos conformeis a este mundo, mas transformai-vos pela renovação da vossa mente, para que experimenteis qual seja a boa, agradável, e perfeita vontade de Deus. (Romans 12.2) O Que é Educação Clássica? Educação Clássica é ler Homero e Platão, ou César e Cícero?...
Dez coisas para fazer com os seus filhos antes que eles completem 10 anos – Tradução para o português Allan Ribeiro
Alguns educadores clássicos concentram-se no método Clássico e outros nas disciplinas Clássicas. Aqueles que se concentram nas disciplinas (latim, lógica, etc), tendem a querer entrar nas acadêmicas o mais cedo possível. Aqueles que se concentram no método (o...
20年前我们开始教大儿子读书,从那以后,我们所有的孩子都是在家教育的。那时,美国只有几千个孩子在家上学,但是今天已经猛增到200万了,而且人数每三到四年就会翻一倍。我们不指望这种增长幅度会持续下去,但是如果真的持续下去,我们在家教育就会在一代人之间完全掌握这个国家。 有了这种认识,我们就发展出七个不可否认的真理,使作父母的基督徒可以开始,继续在家教育,并且为之辩护。 1.Homeschooling is not Alternative Education 在家教育不是后备方案...
我们相信所有的基督徒家长都当遵守主的命令来控制和指导自己孩子的教育。(申6:4-9,弗6:4)但是最好的方式是什么?因为公立学校不管教,不敬虔,我们不考虑。私人老师又昂贵又难得。我们的选择就只有在私人学校与在家教育之间。在家教育使父母直接参与到教育过程。在私人学校里,虽然家长可以选择进哪所学校,然而选择之后,他就从驾驶员的位置下来了,成为学校的支持者和学校活动的参与者。 学校课堂的七个问题 课堂教学会产生一些关系链,它们很容易地就越过了并且对抗着正当的感情与权威的形成的关系链。 老师和学生的关系会削弱亲子关系。...