Trivium Pursuit Blog

The Old Deluder

 Well, I just want to thank you for taking time out of your busy day, and giving me this article Ten Things to Do Before Age Ten. I feel so much better. To be honest, this is very close to what I have been doing with him already. I'm not too sure on the...

Dysgraphia and Math

I just read the article Math and Pencils, and I wanted to share something that might prove helpful. I hope you will consider this information. My son was also allergic to his pencil. We used Saxon and he hated it. When we did the practice tests at the beginning of...

My New Adventure

My fortune cookie this week About two years ago I was introduced to essential oils. I was first drawn to their use in aromatherapy. Aromatherapy and Essential Oils Diffusing essential oils throughout the house. Heavenly. As I learn more, I'll share it here.

Letters from Lord Chesterfield to his son

An uninterrupted life of pleasure is as insipid as contemptible... A surfeited glutton, an emaciated sot, and an enervated rotten whoremaster never enjoy the pleasures to which they devote themselves; they are only so many human sacrifices to false gods... pleasure...

Economics for Boys and Girls

Here is the Foundation for Economic Education's founder ... strongly linking economics and character development ... Economics for Boys and Girls Lessons for the Young Economist is the best introduction to economics for the young reader. It covers both pure economic...

Clichés of Socialism

Taken from: Clichés of Socialism by various authors, published in 1970 by the Foundation for Economic Education "When a devotee of private property, free market, limited government principles states his position, he is inevitably confronted with a barrage of...

I shall forget all the toils of my journey

James Meikle A Secret Survey into the State of the Soul April 13, 1779 There is one thing which is needful, and only one thing. Henceforth let me attend to it with diligence and care, and not to make trifles such matters of concern. If I am traveling to my Father's...

Delaying Formal Grammar Study

By age ten, your child can comprehend the abstract grammatical concepts of noun, verb, participle, and gerund. English grammar, or any language grammar, can be readily learned. Some begin the formal study of English grammar in the first grade (age six). We would...

Dictation and Perfect Mothers

Question: I have tried dictation with my eleven-year-old daughter and she absolutely hates it. Not knowing where the punctuation marks go frustrates her. We have compromised by giving her hints. Answer: Dictation is less exact than copywork. You can’t always be sure...

Math and Pencils

Question: I have a ten-year-old boy who has done very little formal academics. He is very creative by nature, devours books (although he did not “learn” to read until nine years old), draws continually, has an inventor’s mind (like his beloved daddy), can recite...

Please Read This Book

Excerpts from Your Family God's Way: Developing & Sustaining Relationships in the Home by Wayne A. Mack Here is a recipe for a communication disaster — four ingredients: 1. Excessive Negative Talk “Some people constantly complain and find fault. They seldom affirm or...

The Tone of Voice

It’s not so much what you say As the manner in which you say it; It’s not so much the language you use As the tone in which you convey it; “Come here!” I sharply said, And the child cowered and wept. “Come here”, I said – He looked and smiled And straight to my lap he...

Solve This Mystery

Solve the . . . Mystery of the Missing Mask: a ten minute mystery. Last night, Sir Gibbsley's prized possession, his Tribal Tooth Mask, disappeared. Can you help him find it? Sir Gibbsley used to hunt elephants in Africa till a rogue elephant took out his right leg....

Phil Crane Died This Week

Former Rep. Phil Crane died November 7 after a struggle with lung cancer. Read more here. We voted for Phil Crane during the 1980 Iowa caucus -- he was running for President, along with George Bush and Ronald Reagan. He was a great liberty-minded patriot, of the same...

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