We love reading the Bible to our children, which is one reason why we love the book, Bless the Lord: The 103rd Psalm by Johannah Bluedorn. It is a marvelously illustrated version of Psalm 103 with gorgeous full-color drawings on every page. In Bless the Lord, the 103rd Psalm is divided into short sentences or phrases, and each page is then covered with detailed drawings illustrating a family glorifying God in their daily lives. Bless The Lord is a book that makes reading and memorizing the Psalms even more meaningful because we can see on each page pictures that remind us of God’s loving care. We also love that the Psalm is in the King James Version because we feel it is the best for memorization. Bless the Lord also includes simple music arranged by Harvey Bluedorn so that you and your child can sing the Psalm for added memorization help. As a bedtime story, gift, or a memorization aid, Bless the Lord is a valuable addition to the homeschool library.