Trivium Pursuit Blog
One of the secrets of a happy and beautiful life
by J.R. Miller As your days, so shall your strength be. Deuteronomy 33:25 One of the secrets of happy and beautiful life, is to live one day at a time. Really, we never have anything to do any day, but the bit of God's will for that day. If we do that well we have...
Middle English reading of Speke Parrot
A Middle English reading of John Skelton's poem Speke Parrot.
Video editing can lead to a good home business
From the Ron Paul Homeschool Curriculum newsletter: Video editing can lead to a good home business. It's more profitable than babysitting. The cheapest way to get started is with Davinci Resolve 14. It's free. The company wants you to buy a complete version for $300....
Two free Trivium Pursuit books with your order
I love how the smell of essential oils moves throughout my house, making everything smell fresh and wonderful. I love how when I apply essential oils to my skin, it gives me a sense of well-being and peace. To get started using therapeutic grade essential oils with...
The Covenants — New Book by Trivium Pursuit
The Covenants -- Modernized Edition by R.B.C. Howell (Author), Harvey Bluedorn (Editor) $3.99 Kindle Version Dr. R. B. C. Howell was president of the Southern Baptist Convention from 1851 through 1858. Dr. Howell’s book is an excellent exposition on the covenants of...
My 10-year-old has learning disabilities and is in public school
My 10-year-old has learning disabilities. He’s in (public school) 5th-grade currently, but he’s not really at that level. I’d like to be able to place him in the level he can start learning in. How can I do this using the RPC? Could he be in different grades for...
Repentance is a flower which does not grow in nature’s garden
Quotes from Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices by Thomas Brooks (1608 - 1680) DEVICE 5: TO PRESENT GOD TO THE SOUL AS ONE MADE UP ALL OF MERCY Oh! says Satan, you need not make such a matter of sin, you need not be so fearful of sin, not so unwilling to sin;...
I have been grieved by several letters directed to Doctor Newton
Letters of John Newton Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst. 1 Timothy 1:15 Dear Sir, I have been grieved by several letters directed to Doctor Newton. I beg you to inform my friends in Scotland, that if any letters come to me...
The Mushroom Fairy says you will like this book
Bob, Son of Battle by Alfred Ollivant Post may contain affiliate links to materials I recommend. Read my full disclosure statement.
Though sin dwells in the regenerate, yet it does not reign over the regenerate
Quotes from Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices by Thomas Brooks (1608 - 1680) DEVICE 4: By presenting to the soul the best men’s sins, and by hiding from the soul their virtues:... as by setting before the soul the adultery of David, the pride of Hezekiah, the...
Extra oil if you order Young Living today
If you've been thinking about buying Young Living Essential Oils, today would be a good day for doing that. Besides all the items you see here, you will receive one extra bottle of oil, if you sign up today.
This is the condition of children and barbarians
"Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who...
It is but a very little sin that you stick so at
Quotes from Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices by Thomas Brooks (1608 - 1680) DEVICE 2: BY PAINTING SIN WITH VIRTUE'S COLORS. Satan knows that if he would present sin in its own nature and dress, the soul would rather fly from it than yield to it; and therefore...
The Case against Education — Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money
From the Ron Paul Homeschool Curriculum Newsletter I recommend that you read retired Professor Paul Gottfried's review of Professor Bryan Caplan's new book, The Case against Education: Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money. The review is here. Prof....
The weak mind is irritated at a little
Morning And Evening by C.H. Spurgeon Evening The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power. --Nahum 1:3 Jehovah "is slow to anger." When mercy cometh into the world she driveth winged steeds; the axles of her chariot-wheels are red hot with speed; but when wrath goeth...
Beatrix Potter — Home-Spun Artist
Beatrix Potter (1866-1943) English children's book author and illustrator Beatrix Potter at 15 with her dog Spot -- used with permission Victoria and Albert Museum Educated At Home Helen Beatrix Potter was educated at home by a series of nurses and governesses, and...
Sin so bewitches the soul
Quotes from Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices by Thomas Brooks (1608 - 1680) CHAPTER 1: THE PROOF OF THE POINT Satan has snares for the wise and snares for the simple; snares for hypocrites, and snares for the upright; snares for generous souls, and snares for...
He is but a Christian in title only, who has not personal experience of Satan’s stratagems
Quotes from Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices by Thomas Brooks (1608 - 1680) A WORD TO THE READER First, You must know that every man cannot be excellent, yet every man may be useful. An iron key may unlock the door with a golden treasure behind it; yes, iron...
Heaven shall make amends for all
Quotes from Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices by Thomas Brooks (1608 - 1680) THE EPISTLE DEDICATORY Christ, the Scripture, your own hearts, and Satan's devices, are the four prime things that should be first and most studied and searched. If any cast off the...
Lest Satan should get an advantage of us, for we are not ignorant of his devices
Quotes from Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices by Thomas Brooks (1608 - 1680) Lest Satan should get an advantage of us, for we are not ignorant of his devices. --2 Corinthians 2:11 Table of Contents The Epistle Dedicatory A Word to the Reader Introduction I....
My new favorite children’s picture books
Poodlena by E. B. McHenry Poodlena decides that it's OK to get dirty once in a while. Violet asks Grammy to read Poodlena. The Little Snowplow by Lora Koehler, illustrated by Jake Parker Dad will LOVE reading this book to the kids. Michael's favorite book, too. Post...
Weak and singular and odd
by John Newton A consistent Christian, whose integrity, humility, and philanthropy, mark his character and adorn his profession will in time command respect. But his attachment to the unfashionable truths of the Gospel, and his separation from the maxims and pursuits...
Suggestions on how to treat your adult children
Suggestions on how to treat your adult children: 1. The majority of the time that you are talking with your adult child, you should be doing the listening, not the talking. Real and attentive listening. Respectful listening — not appearing to be listening or thinking...
We Never Studied Rocks
This is my 3rd year homeschooling my sons. They are in 2nd, 5th, and 6th grades. I have been slowly trying to incorporate some of the principles of classical education into our homeschool effort. For example, we have begun the study of Latin this year. I am...
Suggestions to Combat Homeschool Burnout
We hear a lot today about burnout in homeschooling. ..... I lie in bed at night and dread the thought of starting school the next day. A life of drudgery is not what I envisioned a few short months ago. It's such a struggle to get the kids to do anything. The only...
Concordia Classical Studies Showcase
Concordia University Chicago understands and appreciates the significant advantages of a classical education and homeschooling and seeks to be a welcoming institution for those looking to continue their classical liberal arts education in a university setting. Rooted...
Switch on Your Brain Book Study
Science is finally catching up with the Bible, showing us the proof that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. --2 Timothy 1:7 Starting January 4, 2018, join James and Stacy McDonald for an 8-week online book study using...
Part 30 Pilgrim’s Progress — The Celestial City
Part 30 -- The Celestial City by John Bunyan audio The Celestial City by John Bunyan read-along text Now, upon the bank of the river, on the other side — they saw the two Shining Men again, who were waiting for them. Therefore, having come out of the river, the...
Part 29 Pilgrim’s Progress — The River of Death
Part 29 -- The River of Death by John Bunyan audio The River of Death by John Bunyan read-along text Now, I further saw, that between them and the gate was a river — but there was no bridge to pass over it, and the river was very deep. At the sight of this river, the...
Part 28 Pilgrim’s Progress — Beulah Land
Part 28 -- Beulah Land by John Bunyan audio Beulah Land by John Bunyan read-along text Now I saw in my dream, that by this time the Pilgrims were now beyond the Enchanted Ground, and had entered into the country of Beulah, whose air was very sweet and pleasant. As...