Trivium Pursuit Blog

Words to brighten your July

• abstruse = obscure, difficult to understand • bistro = a small restaurant or bar • bonhomie = easy good-humored friendliness • copacetic = excellent or very good • esoteric = restricted to, intended for, or understood by only an initiated few; secret or highly...

Free printable spelling rule posters

"Have you ever wondered why some words have a double consonant at the end (such as sniff), while other words do not (such as dog and bat)? The answer is easy – and we call it The Floss Rule. The Floss Rule is a really simple spelling rule that helps kids remember when...

There is no sweeter pillow than providence

Charles Spurgeon, "Israel at the Red Sea" How sweet is providence to a child of God, when he can reflect upon it. He can look out into this world, and say, "However great my troubles, they are not so great as my Father's power. However difficult may be my...

Illustrated Bible Excerpts: David and Goliath

Illustrated Bible Excerpts is a series of short ebooks telling the Bible stories we all know and love so well. Each ebook contains an excerpt from the Bible with numerous illustrations inserted into the text. The first book in this series, David & Goliath, has 42...

How to Handle Spelling Rule Breakers

"Learning how to spell words that don’t follow the rules can be a bit boring. And we can’t have that! So the All About Spelling program has a fun and motivating way to teach these Rule Breakers. We throw them in jail, of course!...." In Marie Rippel's newest blog post...

We look for everybody to sympathize with us

James Smith Important Question 1858 Should it be according to your mind? Job 34:33 We are prone to be fretful, to complain of the dispensations of Divine Providence, and to reflect harshly upon the Lord's dealings with us. We want our own way. We wish to carve for...

Hours of Sleep

The National Sleep Foundation recommends that teenagers get at least 9 hours of sleep a day. Some teens prefer an afternoon nap and less time in bed overnight. There is nothing wrong with this. People are different. One size does not fit all -- as homeschoolers...

Your work is not yet done

"Every Day" Author unknown, 1872 You have not yet come to the rest and the inheritance which the Lord your God is giving you. --Deuteronomy 12:9 These words were addressed to the people of Israel in reference to their entrance into Canaan. A better rest and a more...

Soul Care

What do you think of when you hear the word “Puritan”? Straight-laced, stern, legalistic, harsh. But did you know that the Puritans were the first, and some of the best biblical counselors? They wrote lots of practical books designed to bring hope and help to the...


Excerpt from John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress with 525 Illustrations Spanning 250 Years, Part One Atheist So the man drew nearer and nearer, and at last came up to them. His name was Atheist, and he asked them where they were going. CHRISTIAN: "We are going to the...

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