by Laurie Bluedorn | Nov 16, 2007 | Pie Auction
No longer available.
by Laurie Bluedorn | Nov 13, 2007 | Pie Auction
So far we have 105 people signed up to attend the Pie Auction/Barn Dance Benefit for Colleen Moeller on December 2, plus 30 desserts, 18 baskets and other silent auction items, and 2 raffle items have been donated (more pictures to come). We also have 2 entries in the...
by Laurie Bluedorn | Nov 11, 2007 | Pie Auction
Kyle Royer of Royer Knife Works is designing a knife to donate to the raffle for the Pie Auction/Barn Dance on December 2. He is calling this knife Purple Heart Fighter in honor of Colleen Moeller “who is obviously a fighter deserving of a purple heart.”...
by Laurie Bluedorn | Nov 6, 2007 | Pie Auction
Last year the Illinois homeschool community held a pie auction fund raiser for Colleen Moeller, and we had so much fun we thought we’d do it again. Who — You are invited — open invitation to all, but RSVP necessary What — A pie/cake/cookie...