
Mr. Bluedorn, I am struggling with an issue concerning Calvinism and those who call themselves Calvinists. I affirm Reformed theology; I believe it most accurately represents Biblical doctrine (thus, historic, Biblical Christianity). The specific issue in part is...

Certainty Does Not Rule Out Necessity

In coming into Calvinism there are two or three things we ought always to remember. Number one is, certainty does not rule out necessity. Just because anything is certain to occur is no sign it isn’t necessary that it occur. Therefore, Paul the missionary said...

The Sovereignty of God

Gospel Mission Christian Books, a missionary outreach of Old Paths Strict Baptist Church and affiliated with the Gospel Standard Baptists in England, now has a web site. You will find books by d’Aubigne, John Owen, J.C. Ryle, A.W. Pink, John Gill, J.C. Philpot,...