Slave and Servant

I am listening to a sermon by John MacArthur titled “Slaves of Christ.” He claims that bible translators did not properly translate the word slave, doulos, in the New Testament. He says they should have used the word “slave” not...

Name That Fallacy

Toby asks….. We have used some of your logic texts but have encountered an informal argument we thought may be a fallacy not covered in the books. We name it after the kid who uses it. A certain camper wore the same t-shirt all week. When my Dear Husband, his...

The Fallacy Detective

I’d like to thank your young men for The Fallacy Detective. I’ve been using it this year with my two boys (ages 10 and 14). It has really struck a chord with my younger son, who is now asking me to find a debating team for him. My other son, who is usually...

Reading Greek Phonetically

Today I took a video of Octavio reading John 1:1 in Greek. You can see the book standing on the white board. I am very careful that Octavio is not memorizing the words as pictures (whole word in Greek would be a disaster!). He is really reading the words and he knows...

First Lesson in Reading Greek

Hello Laurie, Did I tell you that Octavio can read Greek? He has learned to blend the Greek letter sounds. The Greek Alphabetarion is really good for small children. Octavio is now 3 years and 11 months old, but he started to read Greek words in October. In September...

Logic and Adventure

My grandson seems to have a problem making decisions . . . even what to eat for dinner. When shopping, he cannot decide if he should buy an item and asks for my opinion, even for what I think he should buy. I thought if he could learn logic, it would give him the...