Trivium Pursuit Blog
The Lord has not passed you by — approach him and be at peace
Morning And Evening Daily Readings by C.H. Spurgeon February 24, Evening O Lord of hosts, how long will You not have mercy on Jerusalem ... And the Lord answered the angel ... with good and comforting words. --Zechariah 1:12-13 What a sweet answer to an anxious...
Primary Literary Sources for Ancient History DVD — one copy left
Primary Literary Sources for Ancient History DVD contains the complete texts of over 1,200 individual works from 98 different authors -- from Aeschines to Xenophon – Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Babylonian. It is like having an entire library of classical literature,...
One copy left Korean translation of Teaching the Trivium
Currently, there are three translations of Teaching the Trivium: Christian Homeschooling in a Classical Style. The Russian translation will be available in 1-2 years. Spanish Portuguese Korean The Korean translation appears to be out of print, but I have one copy to...
Ideas for your personal Bible study and prayer time
This is the stack of books which I currently use for my personal Bible study and prayer time -- four of these are always in the stack, some are just temporary. The Reese Chronological Bible -- this is the Bible I've been using for 20 years or more. I would prefer a...
Very Shy 16-Year-Old Daughter — How Would You Answer This
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres We have a 16-year-old daughter who is very shy around people she does not know very well, even if she’s been around them occasionally. She seems content to just keep to herself in group situations, and does not desire to participate in...
It is unwise to try to carry next week’s burdens today
Bible Truths Illustrated: For the Use of Preachers, Teachers, Bible-School, Christian Endeavor, Temperance and Other Christian Workers by J.C. Pittman, 1917 Do not worry about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your...
Ancient History from Primary Sources on sale this week
Ancient History from Primary Sources: A Literary Timeline by Harvey and Laurie Bluedorn is on sale this week. Normally priced at $29, this week you can buy it for $16. Plus, with your order you will receive (upon request) Ancient Literature — Significant Excerpts From...
Who is your favorite voice actor for audio books?
My favorite all-time audiobook narrator is Peter Addenbrooke Thomas (June 28, 1924 – April 30, 2016). His unique voice is considered the most listened-to broadcast voice in American television and radio history. His father was a Presbyterian minister from Wales and...
How to use Boggle when teaching a child to read and spell
Boggle is the perfect game for helping a child learn to read and spell. Using Boggle to Build Language Skills by Marie Rippel Boggle is recommended for players age 8 and up, but you could tailor some of the rules to accommodate younger players. ... Ways to Build...
Snowflake Bentley — Grammy helping with this week’s Five In a Row book
Helping with this week's Five in a Row book -- Snowflake Bentley by Jacqueline Briggs Martin and illustrated by Mary Azarian. This is the story of a young boy who long ago figures out how to photograph snowflakes using a microscope. E figures out how to photograph...
Reduced prices on my collection of illustrated classics
More photos can be provided if needed. Westward Ho! by Charles Kingsley or; the Voyages and Adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, Knight of Burroughs, in the County of Devon, In the reign of Her Most Glorious Majesty Queen Elizabeth illustrated by N. C. Wyeth hardcover...
2019 Practical Homeschooling Reader Awards Ballot
2019 Practical Homeschooling® Reader Awards™ Ballot It’s time again to cast your vote for the best educational products for homeschoolers! To entice you to take the time to fill out and send in this ballot, they are offering a fabulous prize. But vote soon -- all...
Am selling my illustrated classics
More photos can be provided if needed. Westward Ho! by Charles Kingsley or; the Voyages and Adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, Knight of Burroughs, in the County of Devon, In the reign of Her Most Glorious Majesty Queen Elizabeth illustrated by N. C. Wyeth hardcover...
Russian Translation of The Fallacy Detective and Teaching the Trivium
Now available -- the Russian translation of The Fallacy Detective: Thirty-Eight Lessons on How to Recognize Bad Reasoning. Coming soon! Russian translation of Teaching the Trivium: Christian Homeschooling in a Classical Style. Go here to purchase the Russian...
Sometimes we need to see ourselves from the outside looking in — free copy of Archer and Zowie
A theme that keeps coming up in Archer and Zowie is metamorphosis -- something changing from one thing to something different. There are many things in Archer and Zowie that undergo a metamorphosis -- from the microwave, to the penguin aliens, to Zowie herself. When I...
Free Archer and Zowie by Hans Bluedorn on Amazon Kindle January 21-25
Hans Bluedorn is offering his new book Archer and Zowie free for 5 days on Amazon Kindle. "I wrote Archer and Zowie to be a book about friendship. Every little nook and cranny of the story is about getting along with people who are different than us. Being with people...
Trump succeeded in defeating both political parties, the media, political professionals, pollsters, academics, and the bureaucratic class
In the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump appealed to the importance of citizens and borders. In other words, Trump took his stand on behalf of the nation-state and citizenship against the idea of a homogeneous world-state populated by "universal persons." In...
Essential Oils and Medical Studies
For those of you who would like to study the medical value of essential oils, here are some links. Also, here is a special offer you might want to look at. Special giveaway this month. 1). A Dewdrop Diffuser 2). 2 bottles of NingXia Red 3). 3 bottles of oil from my...
Paul’s three-word description of what sin does to all people
Taken from Come, Let Us Adore Him: A Daily Advent Devotional by Paul David Tripp, 2017, pp. 82-82. People will be lovers of themselves. 2 Timothy 3:2 It's the inescapable, destructive commitment of every person that was ever born. It marches down a pathway of...
Five In a Row this week — Madeline
Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans is one of the book selections in the Five In a Row homeschool curriculum and was last week's choice for Daughter Johannah's family. Here are a few of the projects they chose to go along with Madeline: Eric reading to Michael Eric and...
Here are some words to permeate your vocabulary in the new year without seeming pretentious
• aberration = deviation, a departure from what is normal or desirable • à la carte = separately priced, with each dish on a menu priced separately • apathetic = not taking any interest in anything, or not bothering to do anything • apprise = to inform or give notice...
Starting over at 50 — where should I begin?
I've been impressed with your website and materials. Sadly, all my children are grown and gone and didn't get the education they should have. I'm realizing I was not able to educate them well because I am not a logical person. Over the last year I have worked at it...
New edition of Archer and Zowie by Hans Bluedorn just released
New edition of Archer and Zowie by Hans Bluedorn just released. A sci-fi adventure for kids, written by an author of The Fallacy Detective: Thirty-Eight Lessons on How to Recognize Bad Reasoning. Use your imagination to travel into space with an evil microwave and...
Free art curriculum (and more) with your purchase from the Trivium Pursuit catalog
This week, with any purchase from the Trivium Pursuit catalog (excluding ebooks), you will receive (upon request) the following ebooks: 1. A Review of English Grammar for Students of Biblical Greek and Other Ancient Languages: A Thorough Self-Study Program For Ages...
God would have his servants dressed in the livery of joy
Morning And Evening by C.H. Spurgeon January 9 Evening Serve the Lord with gladness. --Psalm 100:2 Delight in divine service is a token of acceptance. Those who serve God with a sad countenance, because they do what is unpleasant to them, are not serving him at all;...
Using a Microscope in Your Homeschool
I bought this microscope many years ago when my kids were working through Exploring Creation with Biology by Dr. Jay L. Wile. It was the first year of publication for the biology course, and we received each chapter as it was written. I purchased the microscope from a...
14 free ebooks with Trivium Pursuit order
This week, with any purchase from the Trivium Pursuit catalog (excluding ebooks), you will receive (upon request) the following ebooks: 1. A Review of English Grammar for Students of Biblical Greek and Other Ancient Languages: A Thorough Self-Study Program For Ages...
Why is life so hard? Man-on-the-Street Interviews
Laurie Bluedorn talks to some people at the University of Iowa campus on April 3, 2009. Why are you here on this planet? Why is life so hard? Do you think there is a divine purpose for your life?
All our books are now available on Amazon Kindle
A Greek Alphabetarion: A Primer for Teaching How to Read, Write & Pronounce Ancient & Biblical Greek A Greek Hupogrammon: A Beginner's Copybook for the Greek Alphabet with Pronunciations Teaching the Trivium: Christian Homeschooling in a Classical Style Ancient...
Portuguese translation of Teaching the Trivium completed
You can now purchase the Portuguese translation of Teaching the Trivium: Christian Homeschooling in a Classical Style -- both as an ebook and paperback. From Felipe Sabino, Diretor-Editorial at Editora Modernismo: "The second part of the Portuguese translation of...