Trivium Pursuit Blog

2019 Practical Homeschooling Reader Awards Ballot

2019 Practical Homeschooling® Reader Awards™ Ballot It’s time again to cast your vote for the best educational products for homeschoolers! To entice you to take the time to fill out and send in this ballot, they are offering a fabulous prize. But vote soon -- all...

Essential Oils and Medical Studies

For those of you who would like to study the medical value of essential oils, here are some links. Also, here is a special offer you might want to look at. Special giveaway this month. 1). A Dewdrop Diffuser 2). 2 bottles of NingXia Red 3). 3 bottles of oil from my...

Using a Microscope in Your Homeschool

I bought this microscope many years ago when my kids were working through Exploring Creation with Biology by Dr. Jay L. Wile. It was the first year of publication for the biology course, and we received each chapter as it was written. I purchased the microscope from a...

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