Using a Microscope in Your Homeschool

by | Science | 0 comments

I bought this microscope many years ago when my kids were working through Exploring Creation with Biology by Dr. Jay L. Wile. It was the first year of publication for the biology course, and we received each chapter as it was written.

I purchased the microscope from a company which refurbished used university microscopes and it was love at first sight. At one point in the curriculum we were introduced to protozoa. The kids went on to finish the book, but I stayed with protozoa and the microscope.

I suggest that you study how to buy a microscope before purchasing one. There are lots of variables. Binocular microscopes (two eyepieces) are best, in my opinion, as there is less frustration with viewing the slides.

Here is a microscope you might want to consider for your homeschooled student:

OMAX 40X-2000X Lab LED Binocular Microscope with Double Layer Mechanical Stage w Blank Slides Covers and Lens Cleaning Paper

We bought our specimens from Carolina Biological Supply.


Collect things to look at under the microscope — hair samples from members of the family


Collect samples from nature


Little brother needs to be distracted


Does it need cleaning?


My turn, Grammy!


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