by Laurie Bluedorn | Oct 27, 2008 | Pie Auction
So far we have 126 people signed up to attend the Pie Auction/Barn Dance Benefit for Greg Wallace on November 7. Thirty desserts, 15 baskets and other silent auction items, and 5 raffle items have been donated. We also have 2 entries in the Best Pumpkin Pie Contest...
by Laurie Bluedorn | Oct 27, 2008 | Pie Auction
We have five items which we will raffle off at the Pie Auction for Greg Wallace. Handmade Quilt by Coie Igarashi, daughter of Geoff and Jenefer Igarashi. The Igarashi family will be driving up from Tennessee to attend the pie auction. CHRISTINO Prelude Violin Outfit,...
by Laurie Bluedorn | Oct 24, 2008 | News
The price of #2 furnace oil has gone from $3.828 (that’s with taxes and delivered) on October 7 to $2.98 on October 24. Propane is now at $2.12. What are the prices where you live? It hasn’t gone below freezing here yet, so we’re waiting to see how...
by Laurie Bluedorn | Oct 22, 2008 | Pie Auction
Pie Auction/Barn Dance Fund Raiser for Greg Wallace, oldest son of Larry and Nan Wallace — long time homeschool leaders in the Decatur, Illinois area — set for November 7 near Bloomington, Illinois. We have 115 people attending so far. The building holds 170...
by Laurie Bluedorn | Oct 22, 2008 | Reviews
by the Brenneman family “Large is perspective. With each child God has grown us and met our needs as He saw fit. Family is Dad, Mom, and nine children ages 17, 15, 13, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, and 1. Logistics is how we do what we do.” This is one of my favorite...