My plan for strengthening the immune system until I decide about chemotherapy and more surgery

by | Ovarian Cancer | 17 comments

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My first appointment with the gynecological oncologist will be May 10 in Peoria, Illinois. Here is my plan for nutritional supplements to build up my immune system while I’m healing from the hysterectomy and deciding if I’ll proceed with chemotherapy and more surgery. Many of these I’ve been taking for years, but some are new.

1. Young Living Essential Oils — diffuse and apply liberally as aromatherapy

2. Young Living Ningxia Red (2oz, 3X per day) — to provide immune support


Natural Factors – Dr. Murray’s Women’s Plus Multistart Formula, 180 Tablets


Carlson Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, Lemon 500 ml


Thorne Research – Vitamin D/K2 Liquid – Dietary Supplement with D3 and K2
Here’s research on why Vitamin D3 is important.


Pure Synergy Pure Radiance C 100% Natural Wholefood Vitamin C Powder


Natural Factors – Rx Omega-3 EPA 400mg, DHA 200mg, 120 Count


Natural Factors – Hi Potency B Complex, 90 Capsules


Douglas Laboratories – Cal/Mag 2001 (Calcium Two to One) – 180 Tablets


Douglas Laboratories – Multi-Probiotic 40 Billion Powder 2.1 oz


Natural Factors – Acidophilus & Bifidus Double Strength, 10 Billion Active Cells, 180 Capsules


Natural Factors – Milk Thistle 250mg with Tumeric, 90 Capsules

12. NOW Foods – Liquid Chlorophyll Natural Mint Flavor – 16 oz.


Floradix Iron + Herbs Liquid Extract Formula 17floz (if anemia becomes a problem)


The Iodine Crisis: What You Don’t Know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Life by Lynn Farrow — I want to read this

15. Kefir and Kombucha

16. Green tea — 3 cups per day

17. Bone broth — “…The marrow inside the bones contains nutrients that feed your bone marrow. And when your bone marrow is nourished, you create healthier immune cells and can better fight off colds and other viruses!”

18. Eating flaxseeds may be useful.


NOW Ginger Root Extract 250 mg, 90 Veg Capsules
Here is an article about the usefulness of ginger root.

20. Medical cannabis oil — I would like to learn more about this

21. This is how I would like to eat, adding dairy, eggs, and meat. A high protein diet helps rebuild healthy cells. It’s a good diet and is not just for people who are sick.

22. Drink 8 cups of water per day.

23. I would like to eliminate sugar from my diet. That will be difficult.


Douglas Laboratories – Magnesium Oxide 500 mg. 250 Capsules — for constipation

My next goal is to study chemo therapy and the other standard ovarian cancer treatments.


  1. Arturo Munoz

    Dear Sister,

    Long ago you visited Cupertino, CA, for one of your homeschooling conferences and we met. I used your curriculum early on with my children back in the 1990’s. You were of great influence in our lives.

    My father-in-law was diagnosed with prostate cancer only 2 years ago. We looked into the following and he reluctantly agreed to try it.

    It cured him.

    Please look into it yourself and deliberate the path to take that best honors the Lord.

    • LaurieBluedorn

      Yes, Arturo, I am considering what you suggested.

  2. angi moormann

    HI. sounds like a great list. You might also look at B17. My brother loves to talk about using RSO to treat his breast cancer. He is also in Illinois. You might contact him via fb at Jerry Johnson. I”ll give him a heads up. I see you have a lot of probiotics, but no food enzymes. Check out protease for cancer. There is also Rordian clinic in Kansas that does Vit C/DMSO IV treatments that I am familiar with. Here to help if I can. Praying God’s peace and healing for you.
    Angi Moormann N.D.

  3. Kathi Strangfeld

    I’m sure you are aware of the stories of Young Living Frankincense Essential oil! Glad to see YL on the top of your list!

  4. Debra E

    Yes to Iodine! Find someone to work with you on that. I work with a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner via the web and just from doing an iodine loading test and then supplementing with iodine, my thyroid nodule (suspicious for cancer per biopsy) was reduced by half! I could provide my NTP’s info upon request, but here also is a site with a list of iodine literate doctors.

  5. Hélène

    I also personally know someone in real life who claims cannabis cured his cancer. I have not researched it myself but theres another testimony to cannabis’ usefulness.

  6. Jean Johnson

    Look into the “Truth About Cancer” series by Ty Bollinger. People have gone into remission without chemo and radiation. You will be blown away at what you learn about our medical system. Be prepared to be angry at our system. (a righteous anger)
    You will learn that dietary changes make a huge difference. I pray God’s healing for you and that you will listen to what He wants you to do. Jesus Christ is “The Great, Ultimate Healer”!

  7. Stephanie

    Have been praying for you since our sister Clarissa alerted me. Your name also came up with our mutual friend Dennis Gundersen the other day so I feel like I know you as my own friend. I know we are sisters at least, so I look forward to spending eternity with you. I’ve no health advice though I’m listening carefully should I ever find myself or someone near in this place. I especially appreciate your honesty about the difficulties you face. Praise God the very same Spirit who raised Christ Jesus from the dead also lives in you! I pray His wisdom and discernment for all the decisions and disciplines you face in this new season. And I pray you know more and more the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge. I’m lifting up your family to the throne of grace just now…

  8. Jim

    Whatever you choose for your immune system, I encourage you to pursue IP chemotherapy. My wife was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer, and my cousin’s husband (one of the leading gyno-oncologists in the world) treated her with chemo. His sister was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and he recommended chemo for her as well. Professionally–and personally–he knows IP chemo offers the best hope. The stakes are high when it comes to ovarian cancer. While there is a risk of side effects with IP chemo, the risk of treatment plan that excludes it are much, much higher. Whatever you decide, you remain in our prayers. We home schoolers greatly appreciate you.

  9. Mrs. Robin H.

    Here is the trailer to FORKS OVER KNIVES. It is worth the money to buy the DVD off Amazon and share it with your loved ones.

  10. Annabelle

    Great, sound advice all around. Definitely watch Ty Bollinger’s series, The Truth About Cancer. Check out the Gerson Therapy online or watch for free on YouTube–Gerson Therapy involves drinking a glass of organic carrot juice every hour during the day and several daily coffee enemas– thousands of people have been cured from all kinds of different cancers, even in the most advanced stages. They have a clinic but many opt to do the therapy at home. Also, Johanna Budwig’s cottage cheese-flax oil formula, another anti-cancer item to add to your daily therapy.

    So encouraging to know that cancer does not have to scare anybody anymore! The Lord has made a way.

    Praying for your complete restoration, much shalom and love in Him, The Kopf’s

  11. Siobhan

    A friend of mine went to this guy for her cancer. He has faced some persecution for his alternative protocol.

  12. Constance R

    Laurie ~ I do not know what I would have done without your early homeschool mentoring when our first was but three years old. How different our homeschool experience would have been! With great trepidation and your faithful hand-holding, we made it through the elementary school years particularly, reading so many great books and using your protocol derived from the Moore books; teaching arithmetic and “science” (nature study) in an unstructured fashion until 10 years of age. Thank you so much! Just want to leave this link to the Budwig Protocol for Cancer for your perusal. Maybe it will be helpful; perhaps you already know about it. You are in my prayers. Much love to you.

  13. Katrele Cesar

    First, I stand in agreement with others in praying for you, asking for healing and peace, and thanking you for your wisdom. We do serve a Sovereign and Loving God who has the final say and He says that nothing can separate us from His love.

    Second, I would recommend Plexus natural plant-based supplements. Their Triplex combo replenish restore and rebalance your body. Probio5 consist of 5 beneficial probiotics with a proprietary enzyme blend, the biocleanse supports natural detox, and the Slim assist in balancing blood levels. Please consider looking through the website at the products and the testimonies of those the products have blessed in multiple way.

  14. Heather

    I just wanted to let you know I am praying for you and your family in this hard time. I have been so blessed by your website and book, Teaching the Trivium. I turned my sister, who is also a homeschooler, onto it and my mother, who is a schoolteacher. We also bought, and we’re blessed by, the illustrated psalm book by your daughter. We are planning on teaching our girls the song at the end. I am thankful for the wisdom your family has shared with mine and will continue in prayer for you.

  15. Susan

    I will add you to my thoughts and prayers.

    I have been diagnosed with Stage 4 Uterine cancer and have not been given any hope of cure by modern medicine. I have eaten a healthy clean diet most of my life and have kept my weight under control. I am in my late 50’s and the doctors are astonished at how healthy I am besides the cancer. The only regret I have is not seeking a modern medical cure and instead trying many of the non-traditional cures listed above when I suspected I was ill. I think in many cases there is a hope of a magic bullet cure but it really doesn’t exist. Cancer is a very complicated disease and is different for each of us. The cure will not be the same for each of us and by relying on one thing you may be risking your life. Go to your doctor for regular checkups and take care of yourself.
    Yes, eat a better diet and take vitamins but more than that live a joyful, fulfilling, stress free life. Enjoy every minute, love a lot and be grateful for everything. I believe cancer does not live in a happy body.
    Blessings to you, Susan


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