Contest Today — Win New Upper Level Science Textbook

by | Contests, Science | 45 comments

UPDATE: Jody Dudek and Lori are our winners.

Novare Science and Math is a new publisher of science textbooks and resources for Christian educators. Author, teacher and speaker John D. Mays is a 13-year science, math and humanities teacher, a lover of fine literature, and father of three beautiful daughters. In the wake of growing demand for his books and teaching philosophy, he has turned his labors to full-time development of a new generation of science texts with a refreshing new approach to discovering God’s world.

Accelerated Studies in Physics and Chemistry (ASPC) is a premier science text for any student who has completed Algebra I. By treating essential topics with more depth, ASPC enables a more thorough inquiry, so that students learn, master and retain. A gallery of sample pages is available here, including the Table of Contents. Hardback, sewn bindings will last longer and retain their resale value. The formatting and layout of the books follow Novare Science and Math’s unique design philosophy, employing beautiful, mature graphics free from hype and distraction. Historical information, so essential for a true understanding of science, is integrated into the text, not made optional by being put in a sidebar. Each chapter includes learning objectives, problem sets with answers, and is written in appropriate 9/10 grade-level English. A companion CD is available with quizzes, exams, answer keys, review guides, lesson schedule, a sample lab report and more.

The best science education is one that draws students upward to the adult world of scientific study, and encourages a response of worship to the loving Creator who made all things. Novare Science and Math believes in a paradigm of 1) MASTERY of concepts and tools of scientific study, 2) INTEGRATION of complimentary subjects such as history and technical writing, and 3) a KINGDOM perspective so that students are led to “love the Lord their God with all their mind.

Available at Novare Science and Math.

Novare Science and Math is giving away TWO copies of Accelerated Studies in Physics and Chemistry. Leave a comment below, and on Wednesday night we’ll pick the TWO winners.


  1. Shari Thomason

    My 16-year-old son LOVES physics and chemistry. This book would certainly challenge him.

  2. Paul

    Sounds interesting. Do you know if the textbooks take a stance on the age of the universe?

  3. JacquelineB

    Sounds like a wonderful resource. Grateful to Novare for making high level, God-honoring materials available.

  4. Marijo

    The description of this textbook makes me salivate. Hype-free! Non-optional historical info! Hardback! Sewn bindings! I hope I win.

  5. Vickie Nee

    We would love this! Our sons are very much into science, and it is difficult to find solid Christian materials for them!

    God bless,


  6. Barbara C.

    Awesome giveaway!

  7. Susan in LA

    This resource looks wonderful. My daughters will be studying physics next year, and this text looks like it would be appropriate for them. It also appears to be something they would enjoy using.

    In Christ,

  8. Christie J.

    I would love to win this! Back before I had kids, I used to teach with Mr. Mays, and I can testify as to the quality of his work. Now that we’re homeschooling, and my oldest is nearing the time for upper level science, I’m considering this book.

  9. Jami Roberts

    I am very interested in this resource.

  10. Crystal

    I don’t believe there is such thing as too much curriculum! LOL. This would be great for my oldest daughter! Thanks for the opportunity!

  11. Kimberly Kovach

    Looks interesting. Like the creationist information included within the curriculum. I also like the information on the great scientists as this is rarely if ever taught! Thanks for sharing.

  12. chris aldrich

    pick me! pick me! 🙂

  13. Jennifer Snyder

    Looks great!

  14. Amy

    Sounds great, my kids LOVE science!

  15. Lois

    This looks interesting. I like the concept of integrating history into the text.

  16. Patricia Wykoff

    Such a needed resource! Especially love the integrated scientist-part.

  17. Matt and Jody Dudek

    This curriculum, the pages I viewed and the author’s biblical convictions, appears to be a treasure for equipping the next generation to stand firm on truth. Raising our children firmly established in Jesus Christ without compromise or compartmentalising is the goal of Christian homeschoolers. What a valuable tool in a father’s hand! Thank you for your vigorous determination in helping equip the saints to take every thought captive.

  18. Julia Anderson

    I would welcome this new option in teaching chemistry and physics for my 14 year old daughter.
    Apologia is not a good fit for her. Thanks.

  19. Colleen Shah

    Wow. We use Apologia, but this would be REAL MEAT for us. I hope I win.

  20. Jon

    What an intriguing book. Thanks for the opportunity to win it.

  21. Melody

    This looks like a book worth checking out. I’m thankful to see science books written with God’s perspective in mind.

  22. Gena

    Sounds like a great book!

  23. Kirsten

    We need a great classical science text series. I hope this is it!

  24. Carol

    We need something different for the young man in our family who is following on the heels of 4 sisters. He needs the philosophy of this author’s material as well as the opportunity to approach it from a different curriculum. Thanks for the overview.

  25. Janiece

    This looks really interesting. We would love a chance to look at it and maybe use it with our kids.

  26. Sonja

    Looks awesome!

  27. Tiffany

    I have a son who would love this!

  28. Evan Nee

    This looks like a great book!

  29. Sharon

    This book sounds wonderful! We could really use it in our studies.

  30. Patti Carter

    This curriculum looks very good. I appreciate knowing there are more Science textbooks that honor the Creator. I also like that historical information is included directly in the text. It would be a blessing to win a copy. However, if I am not one of the winners, I still appreciate learning about this company! Thank you!

  31. Gigi

    We want one!

  32. Maria W

    Wow, these look very good!

  33. ayana

    My oldest daughter wants to study to be in the science field. She would loves this!

  34. Jennifer

    My 16yr old boys are very interested in science. Even if we don’t win, I appreciate knowing about this curriculum. Currently, we are using Apologia biology.
    Thanks! Jennifer

  35. Karen L

    This looks like a book we would like to use. Thanks for the chance to win one.

  36. Lori

    I would far rather my children study topics in depth, and focus on experimentation in that area, incorporating history and a godly focus, than gain a brief but shallow look at all the possible topics. Thanks for doing this!

  37. Heather

    Thankful for this curriculum even if we do not win it!

  38. Kris

    This looks great – and thank you for the opportunity to win a textbook! Would be great next year for my high school daughter.

  39. Rebeka

    As a Christian homeschooler, we want our children to see God’s work in everything(every subjects). Often time we have to find historical events from other books to go with the science topics that they are learning. I’m so glad that you solve our problems by combining key historical events and scientists together with the science subjets. And better yet, you help us to quote the bible verses. These are the way we like to see our children learn. Thank you for puting these together!

  40. Debbie

    My family is new to homeschooling this year. I have a son who is 13 who is interested in the sciences.

    We have recently been studying Isaac Newton. I happen to come across an amazing lecture by David Harriman who discusses the phylisophical corruption of physics after Newton by more recent scienctific philosophy bringing a new age science to the forefront. Extremely interesting and eye-opening to what can happen to true and real science.

    Very interested – please put my family in for a chance to be picked. Hope I’m not too late.

    Thank you

  41. Lisa H.

    This looks like something my boys would love…. after using another science curriculum for several years, my older 4 children are frustrated with science. My next 4 may profit from something different. Thank you for the giveaway!

  42. Bethany R.

    I have been looking for an alternative science curriculum that is simultaneously challenging, relevant, and well written. That it is also be honoring to God is a given. Perhaps this is what I have been hoping for.

  43. Hélène Gómez

    I am in college and have taken a multitude of college science courses. I did an extensive study of creationism and its apologetics with my older kids when they were doing it. I am SO glad, as the college level science taught is rife with the pollution of evolution. We used a creation-based series for their high school level sciences; this new publisher looks even better from what I’ve seen here. I have 2 small children again and I’m already looking for things to use with them in later years. SO many Christian kids are converted to the faith of father Darwin, et al when they encounter science outside the homeschool and it’s so unnecessary. The SINGLE most important thing we can equip our children with when they walk out the door to college is a solid creationistic base. Evolution rears its ugly head everywhere in the college curriculum. Hurrah for this new series; it looks quite rigorous and that’s what’s really foundational for our students to master–rigorousness and thoroughness, leading to excellence. It will make college so much easier and allow other opportunities to be offered and taken advantage of also.

  44. Patricia Christianson

    For my son, his wife and their son!

  45. Marle Stoman

    Oh how timely this is! We were on the verge of buying a high school science curriculum. Let’s see if we can save some money by winning such a wonderful version. 🙂


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