Talented and Gifted

I’m just now preparing to begin home schooling my oldest child, who turned five in January. I’m intending to follow a classical model. I’ve just recently found your website and I’ve read your articles on early formal education. My daughter is,...

Solutions to Dawdling

We have had two dawdling sons. With the oldest, his dawdling skills were perfected at about the age of 12. He was old enough to stay home alone, so if we had an errand planned, he had to stay home if his work was not done. We were not on the go a lot, so this was...

One of my favorite blogs….

Kendra Fletcher is the homeschooling mother of eight, ages 15 down to 5 months. She has never known what it means to homeschool without the presence of preschoolers, and loves to encourage other moms beginning their homeschool journeys with little ones underfoot. Her...

The Trivium Helps Troubled Children

My husband and I were providentially brought to your website about 4 years ago, when our daughter was three years old, and we have been happily classically/eclectically educating our daughter since then. Teaching the Trivium: Christian Homeschooling in a Classical...