Barn Dance November 7 at Bishop Hill, Illinois

Date: Saturday, November 7, 2009 — 7:00pm – 10:00pm Location: Historic Colony School, Bishop Hill, Illinois Barn dance–Squares, contras, circle dances Beginners welcome. No experience needed. All dances taught and called. Music provided by Mary...

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Update on Jessica Hulcy

This just sent to me: “Jessica’s Ford Explorer was broadsided in Melissa, TX about 11:30 on Monday morning. We think she was hit by a volunteer fire truck responding to an accident. After a 25 minute extrication process she was Life Flighted as a level 1...

Prayer needed for Hulcy family

Emergency prayer request on behalf of Jessica Hulcy. She has just been in a traffic accident. Broadsided by a fire truck. She is alive but badly hurt and is in critical condition but stable. Her lungs are collapsed. She has a broken left arm and broken ribs. There is...