Here is a letter we received from Christian Homes and Special Kids and National Challenged Homeschoolers Associated Network Dear Friends of CHASK, This is just a note thanking you for sharing in the past with CHASK. You have truly helped birth parents who are...

NEA on Homeschooling

This was sent to us by reader Lennie Jarratt: The NEA is targeting homeschoolers. They adopted the following resolution at their annual meeting: B-73. Home Schooling Adopted Preliminary Report Amend by addition on page 32, line 22, “When home schooling occurs,...

New Trivium Pursuit Site

I’d like to introduce you to our new Trivium Pursuit web site. Tim Challies of Websonix (his web business) and Discerning Reader (his book review ministry) and (his blog) has designed for us this beautiful new site. We will soon have a redesigned...


Henry and Janine Cates at Why Homeschool have put together another splendidly creative Homeschool Carnival.

I Love You, Fido

Read it in the Wall Street Journal Weekend Edition Nothing Says ‘I Love You, Fido,’ Like Food With Gourmet Flair by Deborah Ball tells us how pet food companies are trying to please the new breed of pet owners by producing sophisticated pet foods,...