Delayed math really makes sense…

Our now 14 ds had a horrible time trying to learn to read and do math simultaneously. I read about delaying math, and promptly threw out his math book. Well, shelved it anyway. Within a month, his reading level soared 2 grade levels. It seems the stress of learning...

More on Delayed Formal Math

I am trying to figure out how your recommendation about delaying formal math until age ten would work out in practice. Specifically, when does the child learn basic math facts? It seems to me that you can’t do much math without knowing the math facts. If you...

Delaying Formal Math, Continued

I have two boys, ages 8 and 6 1/2. Last year we used Saxon 1, the year before we used Math-U-See, and the year before that we used A Beka math. Some time ago I read your statement regarding not doing formal math with children before they were 10 years old. Based on my...

Delaying Formal Math

I found Teaching the Trivium this summer after four years of homeschooling. I was so greatly relieved by the math recommendation because I have totally failed in that area. I used Miqioun only slightly as well as other oral math. My oldest turned 10 in August, and I...