Delaying Formal Math

I purchased your book Teaching the Trivium: Christian Homeschooling in a Classical Style about a year ago. I am only now reading sections. I am thankful for your hard work and thought — that is evident in the book. I am looking for some advice/counsel. I’d...

Delayed Formal Math

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Bluedorn, First of all, thank you for speaking at the CHEACT conference in Austin. My wife and I both benefited from all of your talks. We especially enjoyed the Seven Undeniable Truths of Homeschooling and The Practical Trivium. After your talk...

Pascal and Delayed Formal Math

I recently read the biography of the mathematian Pascal who was homeschooled by his father after his mother died. His father didn’t think any subject should be taught until the child could easily master it. So he removed all the math books until the children...