by Laurie Bluedorn | Sep 19, 2011 | Classical Education, Literature
Some people suggest reading Dante, Chaucer, and Beowulf in the second grade. I didn’t read these until high school. What do you recommend? C.S. I have your book Teaching the Trivium but I do not seem to be able to find any mention of your position on reading the...
by Laurie Bluedorn | Jun 25, 2011 | Literature
Will the reader please to cast his eye over the following lines, and see if he can discover anything harmful in them? Conductor, when you receive a fare, Punch in the presence of the passenjare! A blue trip slip for an eight-cent fare, A buff trip slip for a six-cent...
by Laurie Bluedorn | Mar 16, 2009 | Literature
We are currently trying to read through Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Black Arrow. We are reading about knights and history, etc. during the Wars of the Roses and my boys, 9 and 11, are very interested in this particular text. Unfortunately, I am having a...
by Laurie Bluedorn | Mar 7, 2009 | Literature
Does any of the following sound familiar? Dio Cassius Roman History 59.1-10 Gaius Caligula rules Rome (A.D. 37) ….. As it was, however, he lavished boundless sums upon actors (whose recall he at once brought about), upon horses, upon gladiators, and everything...
by Laurie Bluedorn | Mar 7, 2009 | History, Literature
Concerning the Roman emperor Gaius Caligula Dio Cassius Roman History 59.28 28 Gaius ordered that a sacred precinct should be set apart for his worship at Miletus in the province of Asia. The reason he gave for choosing this city was that Diana had pre-empted Ephesus,...
by Laurie Bluedorn | Feb 24, 2009 | Literature
Hi Laurie, I found your name on the internet with your brief review of William Clark Russell’s John Holdsworth: Chief Mate and The Wreck of the Grosvenor. I’ve been collecting this author’s books for a few years now and I’m trying to write a...