The Greek Pronunciation System

Mr. Bluedorn, What pronunciation style do you follow in your materials? I’ve decided to add Greek to my children’s homeschooling curriculum, but would like to use materials which follow the same pronunciation style as other materials my wife and I use (one...

On Logic and Christianity

by Andrew C. Thomas, Opinion Editor for The Tech, the M.I.T. student newspaper I’m always delighted when two sides that seem mutually opposed come together in harmonious agreement. I’m even more delighted when I’ve taken one of those sides. In this...

Logic is neither Greek nor Hebrew

I am new to visiting your site and I read with great interest your article on the Sabbath in the correspondence section for your web site. At the end of the article you invited comments detecting flaws in your logic. My question to you is this: How sure are you that...


Homeschool Greek is an excellent Greek language system. I am 50+ yrs. old and didn’t finish high school, but a couple of years ago I decided I would like to learn Biblical Greek. I have tried a couple of other Greek lesson systems, Mounce and Voeltz, plus some...

Homeschool Greek Volume I

Homeschool Greek Volume I is a fun and exciting door into the Greek language. It’s a thorough course, starting with the very basics of the definition of language and a little English grammar before introducing the Greek grammar, but then covering solidly the...