Message from Ron Paul’s Office

Dear Friend of Liberty, Right now, you and I are seeing the worst plundering of a nation’s wealth in the history of civilization – all led by the out of control Federal Reserve. If you and I don’t act today, I’m afraid this crisis will end with the economic ruin of...

Teaching Art

Do you have any suggestions on how to go about teaching children to draw? I have three young children — my oldest is 6. Whenever we sit down to draw together, my oldest daughter (whom I would say is a perfectionist) wants her picture to look just like mine....

The Black Arrow and Kidnapped

We are currently trying to read through Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Black Arrow. We are reading about knights and history, etc. during the Wars of the Roses and my boys, 9 and 11, are very interested in this particular text. Unfortunately, I am having a...