Homeschooling Showdown in Brazil

Here is an article about our friends in Brazil — Cleber Nunes and his family. Children to be Tested by Court in Battle Over Educational Rights of Parents By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman Monday August 18, 2008 MINAS GERAIS, BRAZIL, August 18, 2008 (


Would you like a tour of our flowers? 99% of the work that went into these flowers was Helena’s. We tried lilies this year. My favorite — dahlias. Delphiniums All the flowers in God’s garden are double. –John...

Teaching the Trivium in Bangkok

This city is not as luxurious as the cities in the gulf area (Bahrain, Emirates) but it has very big shopping centers and some towers. The shopping centers are huge, similar in style to the largest shopping malls in USA but six times bigger (six floors of stores). In...