by Laurie Bluedorn | Feb 27, 2006 | Creation Science
Dr. Henry Morris, founder and president of Institute for Creation Research, died Saturday.
by Laurie Bluedorn | Feb 26, 2006 | Raising Children
Dear Harvey and Laurie, As parents of an only child, we would be interested in good solid answers to the socialization arguments which we endure from family and friends: “he needs to learn to play with other children; to be patient with others who do not catch on as...
by Laurie Bluedorn | Feb 26, 2006 | Traveling Books
Dear Laurie, We have spent a lovely family afternoon up at Tower Bridge. We hadn’t been to this area for a while and our youngest was fascinated with the workings of Tower Bridge. Tower Bridge is also very close to one of the early sites of our church in...
by Laurie Bluedorn | Feb 25, 2006 | Greek
Dear Harvey, How do we teach Latin or Greek to a child when we don’t know the language ourselves? In fact, having attended public school, we feel as if we lack a healthy grasp of the English language! S. N. When we first learned English, did we construct sentences...
by Laurie Bluedorn | Feb 22, 2006 | About Our Family
Liesl, the Pampered Pooch