Trivium Pursuit Sale – April 7-12

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From April 7-12 if you purchase $50 or more from the Trivium Pursuit Catalog or from our scratch/dent/used book list you will receive a copy of our new ebook A Review of English Grammar for Students of Biblical Greek and Other Ancient Languages: A Thorough Self-Study Program For Ages Twelve Through Adult by Harvey Bluedorn.

In addition to the free ebook, we are offering these books at reduced prices:

Teaching the Trivium: Christian Homeschooling in a Classical Style by Harvey and Laurie Bluedorn — $16

Ancient History from Primary Sources: A Literary Timeline (textbook and DVD) by Harvey and Laurie Bluedorn — $39

Handy English Encoder Decoder by Harvey Bluedorn — $9

Please call 309-537-3641 (9-6 CST) to take advantage of this sale. You may pay for your order by credit card or Paypal.

Fifteen dollars ($15.00) minimum purchase.



Scratch and Dent/Used items — everything is in good, used condition unless noted. Nearly all of these books can be seen on Amazon if you would like additional information. Newly added items listed at the top.

The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Volume I (A.D. 180-476)and Volume II (A.D. 476-1461) by Edward Gibbon, The Modern Library of the World’s Best Books, no date, but around 1930, hardback, 1303 and 1476 pages, Volume II has water damage on half the pages, $7.

The Complete Writings of Menno Simons c. 1496-1561, translated from the Dutch by Leonard Verduin and edited by John Christian Wenger, with a biography by Harold S. Bender, Herald Press, 1974, hardback with dust jacket, illustrated, 1092 pages, $30.

The Early English Baptists Volume I by B. Evans, originally published 1862, reprinted 1977, ISBN 0879210419, underlining on 13 pages, hardback, 275 pages, $25.

The Legacy of Michael Sattler translated and edited by John H. Yoder, Classics of the Radical Reformation, 1973, hardback, Herald Press, 190 pages, illustrated, $17.

The Writings of Pilgram Marpeck translated and edited by William Klassen and Walter Klaassen, Herald Press, 1978, hardback (cover has small rip in front), 612 pages, illustrated, $30.

The New Testament 1526, translated by William Tyndale, original spelling edition, hardback with dust jacket, The British Library, 2000, ISBN 0712346643, $18.

Understanding Oral Communication by Remo P. Fausti and Edward L. McGlone, hardback with dust jacket, yellow highlighting throughout, 1972, $2.

An All Round Ministry by C.H. Spurgeon, yellow highlighting on 10 pages, paperback, The Banner of Truth Trust, 1972, 400 pages, $5.

The Preacher’s Portrait: Some New Testament Word Studies by John R.W. Stott, paperback, Eerdmans, 1972, ISBN 0802811914, $3.

The Elements of Preaching: The Art of Biblical Preaching–Clearly and Simply Presented by Warren Wiersby and David Wiersbe, paperback, 109 pages, highlighting throughout, ISBN 0842307575, $1.

Penny Pulpit: Sermons by Eminent Ministers March 14 to November 21, 1839 Volume I, Gospel Mission Press 1981, paperback, 515 pages, $10.

Sermons of Robert Murray M’Cheyne, The Banner of Truth Trust, paperback, 1961, 187 pages, $4.

The Ministry of the Word by William Taylor, paperback and underlining throughout, Baker Book House, first published 1876, reprinted 1975, ISBN 0801088305, 318 pages, $10.

Homiletics and Pastoral Theology by William G.T. Shedd, underlining on 23 pages, hardback with dust jacket, 380 pages, first published 1867, reprinted 1965 by Banner of Truth Trust, $14.

Services: Holy Matrimony and Burial, form for the solemnization of holy matrimony and order for the burial of the dead, booklet, 20 pages, 1937, Gospel Standard Publications, $10.

A Treatise on the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons by John Broadus, revised in 1898 by Edwin Charles Dargan, with preface by A.T. Robertson and revised bibliography by C.S. Gardner, Harper and Brothers, first published 1870, reprinted 1926, 562 pages, hardback, $10.

Expository Preaching without Notes by Charles W. Koller, Baker Book House, reprinted 1977, ISBN 0801053013, hardback with dust jacket, 145 pages, underlining on 27 pages, $4.

Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament Volume I, edited by G. Johannes Botterweck and Helmer Ringgren, translated by John T. Willis, hardback, Eerdmans Publishing, copyright 1974, 1979 printing, ISBN 0802823386 (set), one volume for $18.

Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament Volume II, edited by G. Johannes Botterweck and Helmer Ringgren, translated by John T. Willis, hardback, Eerdmans Publishing, copyright 1975, ISBN 0802823386 (set), one volume for $18.

Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament Volume III, edited by G. Johannes Botterweck and Helmer Ringgren, translated by John T. Willis and Geoffrey W. Bromiley and David E. Green, hardback, Eerdmans Publishing, copyright 1978, ISBN 0802823270, one volume for $18.

Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament Volume IV, edited by G. Johannes Botterweck and Helmer Ringgren, translated by David E. Green, hardback, Eerdmans Publishing, copyright 1980, 1979 printing, ISBN 0802823289, one volume for $18.

Fallacy Detective T-Shirts, small-medium-large, new, never used, $5.

Hand That Rocks the Cradle, old edition — but new copies, $3.

Henty Books on Tape, With Lee in Virginia by G.A. Henty, unabridged and read by Jim Hodges, 8 cassette tapes, ISBN 1-929756-01-1, $14.

Blackstone AudioBooks, Jo’s Boys by Louisa May Alcott, unabridged and read by C.M. Herbert, 7 cassette tapes, ISBN 0786112883, $14.

Listening Library, A Treasury of Great Poetry, read by Alexander Scourby, Nancy Wickwire, and Bramwell Fletcher, 6 cassette tapes, ISBN 0-8072-2942-3, $19.

Benedict’s History of the Baptists: A General History of the Baptist Denomination in America and Other Parts of the World by David Benedict, originally published in 1848, reprinted in 1977 by Church History Research and Archives, one volume, hardback, very nice condition, 970 pages, $65.

Fifty Years Among the Baptists by David Benedict, originally published in 1860, reprinted in ?? (looks like around 1970 or so) by Baptist Republication Society, 437 pages, hardback, underlining on 34 pages, $20.

A General History of the Baptist Denomination in America and Other Parts of the World by David Benedict in Two Volumes, first published in 1813, reprinted in 1971, ISBN 0-8369-5726-1 (both volumes have the same ISBN), Volume One is 606 pages, Volume Two is 580 pages, hardback, very nice condition, $70 for the set of two.

Sermons by J.K. Popham, Pastor of Galeed Chapel, Brighton, 1882-1937, in 4 volumes, hardback, published by the Gospel Standard Baptist Trust, 1969-1972, illustrated, each volume is about 250 pages each, $40 for the set of 4.

The Reformation in England Volume One by J.H. Merle d’Aubigne, edited by S.M. Houghton, The Banner of Truth Trust, 1971 edition (first published in 1853 as Volume Five of The History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century), hardback, color illustrations, 476 pages, $20.

The Reformation in England Volume Two by J.H. Merle d’Aubigne, edited by S.M. Houghton, The Banner of Truth Trust, 1972 edition (first published in 1866-78 as Books 6, 8, and 15 of The History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin) hardback, color illustrations, 507 pages, $20.

The History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, 5 Volumes by J.H. Merle d’Aubigne, translated by H. White, published by the American Tract Society, 1835-53, hardbacks, volumes 1 and 2 are missing spine cover, volume 4 has loose spine cover, $70 for the 5 volumes.

Rummy Roots Card Game, $5.

The Story of Mr. Pippin, 2 copies very slightly damaged (corner dented), $8.

The Lord Builds the House, 6 copies very slightly damaged (corner dented), $8.

Bless the Lord: The 103rd Psalm, 8 copies very slightly damaged (corner dented), $8.

Teaching the Trivium, 2 copies very slightly damaged (corner dented), $10.

Teaching the Trivium, 1 copy damaged, $5.

How to Read the Psalms by Tremper Longman III, ISBN 0877849412, small amount of underlining on one page, $2.

The Fallacy Detective, several copies slightly damaged $11 each.

O. Henry’s Best Stories, edited by Lou P. Bunce, 1953, Globe Book Co; [School ed.] edition, hb, ex-lib, illustrated with stills from movies and with drawings by Guy Fraumeni, 298 pages, spine somewhat tattered, in back “Questions for Discussion”, “General Topics for Composition”, “Comprehensive Examination”, $10.

Thaddeus of Warsaw by Jane Porter (author of The Scottish Chiefs), with Notes and Introduction, hb, illustrated, 1844, $11.

Eastward Sweeps the Current: A saga of the Polynesian seafarers about A.D. 500 by Alida Sims Malkus, hb, 1937, illustrated by Dan Sweeney, $7.

A Handbook of Latin Literature from the earliest times to the death of St. Augustine by H.J. Rose with a supplementary bibliography by E. Courtney, pb, ISBN 0865163170, $17.

The Picture History of Photography, from the earliest beginnings to the present day, revised and enlarged edition by Peter Pollack, hb, 1969, large book, 708 pages, 5 loose pages, ex-lib, $15.

To Start You Painting by F.C. Johnston, hb with dj, ex-lib, 1963, 72 pages with 16 color plates and many monochrome illustrations, $6.

Blackstone Audiobooks, Captain David Grief by Jack London read by Brian Emerson, unabridged, ISBN 0786120258, 4 cassettes, $12.

Rubank Advanced Method Flute Vol I by H. Voxman and Wm. Gower, 1940, 72 pages, $3.

Duet Adventures — Flute by Jim Meredith, Macie Publishing Co, ISBN 0934151504, $3.

Khachaturian Toccata for the Piano, G. Schirmer, Inc, New York, $1.

Cesar Franck Prelude, Chorale and Fugue for the Piano, edited by Andor Pinter, G. Schirmer, Inc, New York, 1916, cover somewhat tattered, small amount of marking, $1.

Understanding the Times, the story of the Biblical Christian, Marxist/Leninist, and secular humanist worldviews by David A. Noebel, hb, 1992, ISBN 0936163100, $7.

The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow: Painting, 106 color plates, 1978, hb, $8.

Great Debates in American History: from the debates in the British parliament on the colonial stamp act to the debates in congress at the close of the Taft Administration, edited by Marion Mills Miller in 14 volumes, 1913, hb, this set is missing volume 3, ex-library, $35.

The Folk Art Tradition: Naive Painting in Europe and the United States by Jane Kallir, hb with dj, ex-library, heavily illustrated, 1981, ISBN 067032325x, $5.

New Education Readers, a synthetic and phonic word method by A. J. Demarest and William M. Van Sickle, book 3, development of obscure vowels, initials, and terminals, 1901, hb, lots of illustrations, 5 pages have rips, 20 pages have pencil or pen writing, $3.

The Stranger: A Parable of Life with The Songs of the Stranger by Lawrence Cleveland Brantley, 1970, pb, 52 pages, $2.

Great Books of the Western World, vol 32, John Milton, Robert Maynard Hutchins, editor, 1952, hb, 412 pages, $3.

Soils of Illinois, University of Illinois College of Agricurlture Bulletin 778, pb, 85 pages with large map, $4.

A Text-Book on English Literature with copious extracts from the leading authors, English and American with full instructions as to the method in which these are to be studied, adapted for use in colleges, high schools and academies by Brainerd Kellogg, 1883, hb, interesting book, $19.

Arithmetic of Practical Measurements to accompany Kennedy’s improved dissecting mathematical blocks, 15th edition, published by Western School supply House, 1893, pb, 40 pages, $1.

Diet for a Small Planet by Frances Moore Lappe, 1982, ISBN 0345321200, pb, $2.

Watercolor by Design: a leading watercolorist describes and demonstrates his work and working methods by Mario Cooper, hb with dj, 1980, ISBN 0823056554, $4.

The Learning Companion, 2000 The Southwestern Company, ISBN 0871974770, 3 very large books, $10.

Fierce Wars and Faithful Loves: Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene, Book 1, updated and annotated by Roy Maynard, ISBN 1885767390, pb, $5.

Modern Times and the Living Past by Henry W. Elson, 1928, hb, color illustrations, $4.

New Essentials of English: Middle Grades by Pearson and Kirchwey, hb, 1928, illustrated (one in color), old textbook, $4.

The History of Henry Esmond by William Thackeray, Great Illustrated Classics, hb, 1945, $3.

The Old Pinakothek in Munich by Kurt Martin, translated from the German by Stanley Godman and Ian F. Finlay, hb with dj, 1972, color, $4.

Craft Manual of Northwest Indian Beading by George M. White, 1971, pb, $8.

Centennial Acquisitions: Art Treasures for Tomorrow, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1970, pb, color and B&W, $5.

Books from The Gregg Press (Americans in Fiction Series), all pb printed in 1968, all in good condition except have yellowing clear tape on binding:

The Led-Horse Claim: A Romance of a Mining Company by Mary Hallock Foote, illustrated by the author (first pub 1882), $5.

The Cliff Dwellers by Henry B. Fuller, illustrated by T. De Thulstrup (first pub 1893), $5.

Rootbound by Rose Terry Cooke (first pub 1885), $5.

Mohun or The Last Days of Lee and His Paladins by John Esten Cooke (first pub1869), $5.

Surry of Eagle’s Nest or The Memoirs of a Staff-Officer Serving in Virginia by John Esten Cooke (first pub 1866), $5.

Please call 3095373641 to order any of these books. You can combine orders if you would like to purchase from our regular catalog. Please pay by Credit Card or Paypal. Fifteen dollars ($15.00) minimum purchase.

Shipping charges (all orders will be sent Media Mail):

up to $25 — $5.00

$26–$50 — $7.00

$51–$75 — $9.00

$76–$100 — $11.00

1 Comment

  1. Jasmine

    just came across this sale and it looks as if I have missed it, will you be offering it again?



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