To Eat or Not to Eat?

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To Eat or Not to Eat: Examining Conventional Nutrition Wisdom in the Light of Scripture
by Curtis Knapp

Are there certain foods God does not want me to eat?
What does the Bible say about food?
Will I live longer and be happier if I follow the Bible’s rules concerning food?
Are there certain foods or certain rules concerning eating which will cause me to live a more blessed life?
Are there certain food rules which do not necessarily bring me salvation, but will help me to live a more sanctified life?
Is God able to use a healthy person more than an unhealthy person?
Does God intend for us to ever be sick?
Is sickness a sign that God is displeased with us?
Is sickness a sign that we have weak faith or that we don’t believe God?
What does the Bible say about drinking alcohol?
What does God say about gluttony?

You can purchase To Eat or Not to Eat from Grace and Truth Books.


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