What is the goal of the Trivium?

The goal of the Trivium is to give the student the necessary tools or skills which make him free from his teacher so that he can learn by himself. That’s why the Trivium tools are called the Liberal or liberating Arts.

What vocation or further study does this prepare students for?

Any and all. The Trivium develops the basic tools needed for efficient and effective learning at all levels in every direction. Most jobs and occupations change within three to five years. Your ability to do any one thing at any one time is not nearly as important as your ability to learn something new. Furthermore, your ability to advance is greatly hindered if you cannot acquire the tools needed.

There’s nothing wrong with working toward a goal or a specific outcome. But the modern Outcome-Based Education should really be called outcome-only-driven education, because it leaves out teaching the basic skills of the Trivium. It puts you on a train to your destination, but if you want to go somewhere else, you’ll have to get on another one of its trains. The Trivium gives you a car and shows you how to get anywhere you want, or how to explore new territory on your own.



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