The questions should rather be

by | Devotional | 2 comments

J.R. Miller

Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. John 16:33

True victory is not found in escaping or evading trials but in rightly meeting and enduring them. The questions should not be, “How can I get out of these worries? How can I get into a place where there shall be no irritations, nothing to try my temper, or put my patience to the test? How can I avoid the troubles which continually harass me?” There is nothing noble in such living. The soldier who flees when the battle approaches, is no hero; he is a coward.

The questions should rather be, “How can I pass through these trying experiences and not fail as a Christian? How can I endure these struggles and not suffer defeat? How can I live amid these provocations, these reproaches and testings of my temper and yet live sweetly, not speaking unadvisedly, bearing injuries meekly, returning gentle answers to insulting words?”

He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be My son! Revelation 21:7


  1. Sarah

    what I needed to hear today. Thank you

  2. Carolyn

    Beautiful reminder…
    Many thanks


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