The “At Risk Fallacy” and Homeschooling

by | Homeschooling, Logic | 5 comments


Because there have been a few cases of child abuse in homes where the parents claimed to be homeschooling, therefore the state claims that all homeschooling families must be regulated in some way.

This is called the “At Risk Fallacy” — If there is even the chance that something can happen or that one person might be harmed, then we need to pass a law to control all in order to protect the people from themselves. The “At Risk Fallacy” is used to justify controlling all because of the stupid acts of a few. This type of thinking controls the government attitude nowadays. It doesn’t matter what are the unintended consequences of such an attitude.

Objections to states passing additional regulations on homeschooling families:

–The state has a poor record of controlling child abuse in their own schools. Would their encompassing all children — public, private, and homeschool — keep children safer?

–We here in the U.S. have the Bill of Rights so that we can oversee the state to keep them from using this “At Risk Fallacy” to take away all our rights.

–There already are laws on the books which address possible child abuse in homeschooling families.

–“A statistical analysis of 18 years of data from all the U.S. states found no relationship between the degree of state control or regulation of homeschooling and the frequency of abuse of homeschool students.” –Brian D. Ray, president of the National Home Education Research Institute

Are there other objections to the “At Risk Fallacy” being applied to homeschooling? What do you think?

Laurie Bluedorn


  1. Atienne

    One word…control. When I see what the public school “system” of indoctrination has become, I am very thankful to be homeschooling. The data mining taking place should have parents in an uproar, yet there is silence on this issue.

    In regard to the aggressive response due to actions of some supposedly homeschooling parents, I am not surprised. It truly shows how the agenda is working toward complete control over the children. On a side note sexual abuse by teachers is rampant, far exceeding ANY other profession. Where is the outrage? The silence speaks volumes.

  2. RLee

    Hi Laurie,

    Thanks for posting this. Question: is it possible to purchase a higher-resolution version of the fallacies poster at the head of this topic? I’d like to use it for personal reference.
    We own the Fallacy Detective and Thinking Toolbox books. My wife used the first one to teach a class for the homeschool co-op our daughter attended. (She’s 22 now.) The kids got a lot out of it, especially one of the boys. Thanks for the great material!
    We don’t own that poster, but we’re thinking about making our own to go along with the books. Laurie

  3. Stephanie

    Sorry–free is not true. You can order a poster there.

  4. Stephanie

    There are pdfs available–they ask for a donation


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