Something to help you during those long, lazy summer days and a contest!

by | Art | 11 comments

Post may contain affiliate links to materials I recommend. Read my full disclosure statement.

One summer, years ago, we spent several weeks making things out of newspapers. The book Crafting with Newspapers by Vivienne Eisner was our guide.

The book is now out of print, but if you ever have a chance to buy a used copy, be sure to get it — you’ll get lots of craft mileage out of it, especially for those long, lazy summer days when there’s “nothing to do.”

Here are some of the items we made and showed at the Mercer County Fair and at the Muscatine library.

All made from ordinary newspapers.


  1. Courtney

    I would buy this Fine Arts bundle! It looks terrific. Of course, I am also thinking of a build your own.

  2. summer

    Bundle for Boys

  3. Elissa Kroeger

    If I win the coupon, I would like to buy the Fine Arts bundle 🙂

  4. Elizabeth

    I would buy the Fine Arts bundle.

  5. Suzy

    They all look so good..hard to choose. Maybe one of the 4-6 grade bundles.

  6. Pauline McKivergan

    There are quite few bundles I would like to buy. If I will the coupon, I would purchase the fine arts bundle because all of my children would benefit from the wonderful lessons and books.

    Thank you!

  7. Stacy M.

    I am looking at purchasing either the fine arts or the bundle for moms.

  8. Christina A

    The Fine Arts Bundle! This is our first year jumping into homeschooling 4 bigs with 3 littles around. We’ve not gotten around to much music or art, so we’d love to use this over the summer. I also have grand ambitions of choosing a section of old posts from this delightful little blog over the summer:

  9. Monica D

    The Fine Arts Bundle looks wonderful. That would be my choice.

  10. Michelle W

    I think I also would buy the Fine Arts bundle! It looks like a lot of fun.

  11. Leanne

    I would probably get the Mom bundle…it is hard to choose which one!


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