One thing I’ve learned about raising older daughters

by | Raising Children | 1 comment

Older daughters must have something to occupy their time — some advanced academic study or a hobby or project or work or ministry which they enjoy doing and is satisfying to them. And we’re not referring to the normal chores that are done around the house, such as cleaning or cooking or babysitting younger siblings. What we’re talking about here is something beyond chores. I’ve talked to many mothers who seem to have talked themselves into believing that their daughters just love to cook and take care of the younger ones, and so they feel justified in allowing the girl to be relegated to the role of parlor maid and nanny. And maybe the girl does truly love domestic duties, but, Mothers, please stretch those post-high school minds. Dig deep and find out what they’re interested in and help them pursue this interest.

I am afraid of horses. We have three large Quarter horses which the girls train and ride. I don’t like dogs. We have four adult German Shepherds and at times lots of little German Shepherds running all over our property. I don’t like animals in the house. We have two messy tropical parrots. I hate milking a cow. We milked a cow or goat for 15 years. All this because we have two daughters who love animals. Raising older daughters may require more from you, Mother, than you are initially willing to give. It may require you to give up your kitchen if it means allowing your daughter to learn to be more than just a “helper” taking orders from Mom. Give her the kitchen if that’s what she would like. Give her a budget and let her run it for the next year, without your micro-management. I’ve seen too many older daughters simply standing around waiting for the next request from Mom. An older daughter needs to have something to call her own, something she can have jurisdiction over, whether it be a kitchen, a cow, a manuscript, or Dad’s office. Help her start her own business or pursue a particular course of study. Perhaps she will even need your help to figure out what it is she wants to do — it will most likely be by trial and error, but don’t let the errors keep you from trying new ideas.

gaping wound — a wound that is wide open

That’s what the doctor called it yesterday. And did you know that doctors won’t stitch up a dog bite when it’s on the arm? 99.9% of stitched-up dog bites get infected, so he just cleaned it and applied butterfly bandages, gave her a tetanus shot and a prescription for two different antibiotics.

No, none of our lovable dogs bit her, but our two females (Pippin and Liesl) are trying to determine which of them is boss, and Ava got in the middle of one of their discussions.

Schutzhund training for Robey

1 Comment

  1. Becca

    Thank you for your post on raising older daughters. I have a younger daughter right now. 🙂 Any other insight you have about raising daughters (and sons!) would be wonderful!



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