My Response is My Responsibility

by | Marriage, Raising Children | 3 comments

Dr. Emerson Eggerichs discusses the idea that he always wants to blame Sarah, his wife, for the things she does wrong. Watch and listen what he has learned about how this type of response is a mistake.


  1. Jessica

    ouch 🙂

  2. Catherine

    Amy Carmichael said something like, “A cup filled to the brim with sweet water will not spill even one drop of bitter no matter how hard it is jostled.”

    And a rather blunt friend said, “When you get knocked on the head, who you are inside comes out.”

    It is a sweet thing to hear and see the Holy Spirit teaching us the same biblical truths in any circle of people, and in every generation. Thanks for sharing this kind reminder. Now I shall fasten my seatbelt and wait for my opportunity to apply this…

  3. Amber Doering

    This homeschooling momma of six little ones needed this wonderfully encouraging message today! Thanks so much for taking the time to post it! We all need this very real reminder that our responses (whether to our children, our husband, or a perfect stranger) is our own choice…and we either reflect the Lord and what he has done in our hearts and lives or we don’t and choose rather the earthly flesh response that can lead to hurts/wounds or even a break or dissension with others. Keeping the unity with a Godly response, and choosing that response is vital…thank you Sweet Savior for those responses that are needed EVERY minute of every day!


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