Experience in Delaying Math

by | Math | 1 comment

Dear Laurie,

… I wanted to give a testimonial about your book Teaching the Trivium. Last year my husband and I became very convicted about having our children in school. It was a wonderful Christian school, and I was the 3rd/4th grade language arts teacher. He told me in early January that he wanted me to stay home for the next school year and homeschool our two children. I cried and cried and was very reluctant. Near the end of January I had to have emergency surgery and was at home for 10 weeks! (A really big deal for an elementary teacher to miss that much school.) Anyway, I started doing some research of the Scripture and could not find one justification for me being away from home. This was a real surprise to me, because I had really felt like I was doing what God wanted me to do by teaching there. I knew that it was God’s plan for me to be home. As we started planning our curriculum, your book was one of the first I bought. It was exactly what I wanted to do and so down to earth! So, with much kicking and screaming from both our children, we all came home. It has been a blow to the budget and we are experiencing a lot of financial hardship and have given up many things, but I know that we are doing the right thing.

My daughter (9) just gave her testimony at church this week and it was absolutely beautiful. My son (8) is autistic and would have been completely ignored in school but is now reading on grade level and amazes us with what he is learning. I have to tell you though, when we started homeschooling my daughter hated math! I told her that we were going to take a year off of math and not do anything. She was so excited. Of course, we did a lot of cooking and money and percentages, etc. She had no idea she was learning anything. A few weeks ago she came begging to do some math. So we got Saxon 6/5 and she has been doing 2 lessons a day and absolutely loving it. It was such a great idea to delay the formal math. I never would have done that on my own without all of your articles and information in the book.

Well, thank you for all that you have done in mentoring younger women even if it is through the books and Internet. I have learned so much from your family and really appreciate your perspective. I think I have my brother and his wife convinced of the Teaching the Trivium way as well.

God bless you,
Melissa ….

1 Comment

  1. Perla Sarmiento de Adams

    Congratulation Melissa, very nice story. Thanks for share it.



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