What I have trouble with is copybook. My children seem to be allergic to pencils and paper. Suggestions please! Judy

Have you tried buying the children special colored or regular pencils or markers and special books filled with blank pages for doing their copywork? When my children were small and even up till the teen years they loved it when we shopped at office supply stores. I would buy them little pads of fancy colored paper and writing utensils for them to use in copywork. I also hired them to make all the greeting cards (birthday, anniversary) I wanted to send out. A typical card at Hallmark costs about $2-$3, but I would pay them $1 or so for each card, which they were always happy to get. The cards they made would have some type of artwork on the cover and a poem or Bible verse or something like that inside. If we really wanted to impress the relatives I’d have them copy the Greek alphabet somewhere on the card. That’s guaranteed to keep disapproving relatives off your back for awhile. Today at the copy centers there are lots of interesting things you can do with paper. The child can make a greeting card and then have it duplicated on a color copier using regular paper or cardstock. Make several copies to sell (you might not make any profit on the project but it would motivate the child in his copywork). Have him copy Bible verses onto a narrow strip of nice paper, decorate, and then laminate. Here you have a bookmark to give away as a gift or to sell. Several pages of copywork along with a cover can be bound together using a plastic comb or spiral binder or can even be perfect bound.


  1. Mary Beth

    These are some great ideas! I have in the past had my son draw a picture and then photocopy it for a birthday thank you. I love the idea of having them do copy work, also, especially with Bible verses. I am going to try these ideas, and maybe add in some rubber stamping…


    Good tips! Thanks for sharing.


  3. Loni

    Great ideas that DO work! We have our children make cards or send a letter at least once a week. They have penpals – which also makes it fun for them, and mom can get them to write,without pushing too much! Part of homeschooling is indeed applying it to practical life!


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