Dear Laurie,

Thank you, thank you for speaking with me last Thursday. I greatly appreciate your time. I feel like you lifted a burden off of my shoulders. I was worried that I wasn’t doing enough, but after talking with you I feel like we haven’t derailed as much as I thought.

One question that I forgot to ask was, what about college? I feel very uncomfortable sending them away from home. I remember my college years and though I wasn’t a Christian at the time and was a serious student, I can recall all of the drinking and complete abandonment to self control. I have three boys and at some point they will have to support a family. I would prefer if they lived at home and went to school, but with five kids they might not want to attend the same school, or the school might not teach their field of interest etc. I know that we have quite a few years until they leave for school, John is only 10, but it is a question that I think about often.

Thanks again for spending time with me on the phone.

In Christ,

That uncomfortable feeling is the Lord speaking to you. Listen to Him, and over the next several years ask Him to show you what to do.

There are lots of ways to get a good education and prepare for a life’s work without attending college. L.


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