Homeschooling in China

John Ginger from Trinity Vineyard in Wuhan, China asks: I am hosting a house school, and I agree with you that the right way for Christian education is homeschooling, but it’s hard for our Chinese Christians to do homeschooling. We need to be trained....

Kissing Judas

A Kissing Judas: someone who acts as if he is your friend – even your closest friend for his part – even while in reality he is not acting in your best interests – even betraying you. A Sociopathic Kissing Judas does both with no conscience regarding...

Some of Our Memories of Rosie Burger

About 25 years ago we moved to Mercer County and became neighbors to the Burgers. They were this old couple which lived on the other side of the creek. Interestingly, now that they’re gone, we’ve become the old couple that lives on the other side of the creek – about...