Inductive and Deductive Bible Studies

The labels inductive and deductive may be applied to several things, including methods of reasoning and methods of studying. A deductive approach moves from the rule to the example, and an inductive approach moves from the example to the rule. I will first...

Two Methods of Reasoning

An Introduction to Inductive and Deductive Logic Fixing Flawed Thinking We often suppose that the other guy’s thinking is flawed, without even considering whether the real problem is actually with our own thinking. We tend to elevate our limited observations and...

Formal and Informal Fallacies

Logical Fallacies A fallacy is a defect in an argument which misleads the mind. The defect may be intentional or unintentional. If the defect is intentional, we sometimes call it a sophism. One’s understanding of fallacies may be used for good, in order to avoid...

Logic — A Suggested Course of Study

I am preparing to teach an introduction to logic course to my seventh graders this fall, and all four of them are excited about it. I have never taught logic, and all that I have learned came from Martin Cothran’s Traditional Logic. I’m trying to go through...