Fallacy Detective Test

If you would like to receive the final test for The Fallacy Detective, email us at info at christianlogic dot com with your full name, and tell us if you are a homeschooling parent or a classroom teacher.

Homeschool Greek Volume Two

Harvey, When I saw that you were actively engaged in publication of the 2nd part of Homeschool Greek, I stopped everything and dropped to my knees before the Throne and asked our Father to give you a generous measure of knowledge and understanding and wisdom to...

Εκκλησια in the New Testament

Part One: The Classification of Each Use of Εκκλησια in the Greek New Testament Part Two: Cross-Index and Concordance for the Classification of Each Use of Εκκλησια in the Greek New Testament Part Three: Quotations from Sources on the Meaning and Use of Εκκλησια in...

Homeschool Greek, Volume Two — Beta Version

Lord willing, this September we will begin to electronically publish in installments Homeschool Greek, Volume Two — Beta Version. A little later in August, we will be set up to accept subscriptions on our web page. More details and sample pages will be available...

A Mystery

by Nathaniel Bluedorn and Hans Bluedorn of Christian Logic, Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. This article contains a mystery. Your job is to use some critical thinking skills to answer some questions and solve the mystery. This mystery is for children and parents....