Trivium Pursuit Blog

Thanksgiving Pictures

We had two Thanksgiving dinners this year -- one on Tuesday with my mom, two sisters and their families. Helena and Ava cooked a most delicious dinner. My sister Ronna's two Chihuahuas The blue-eyed baby from the mountains of Colorado -- my sister Ann's baby The...

The Perfect Turkey?

Feeding the Turkey (1872-1880) Eastman Johnson 1824-1906 American painter We're having lots of company next week and need some help. How do you make the perfect turkey? What's your secret ingredient?

Passive Obedience to God

Excerpt from The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs ...You worship God more by this than when you come to hear a sermon, or spend half an hour, or an hour, in prayer, or when you come to receive a sacrament. These are the acts of God's worship,...

Aristotle in Politics

Some interesting observations from Aristotle in his Politics (3.7, 15): 7 Having determined these points, we have next to consider how many forms of government there are, and what they are; and in the first place what are the true forms, for when they are determined...

Free Ebooks

Our readers have the opportunity to receive two free ebooks from Trivium Pursuit. 1.The 73 page ebook of the entire text of Chapter Twelve: Ten Things to Do With Children Ages Ten Through Twelve from the book Teaching the Trivium: Christian Homeschooling in a...

Pie Auction Total

Reports and pictures of the Pie Auction can be found here, here, here, and here. Are you ready for the total? As of right now the total gathered is $25,290.00. I am amazed! I thought you might like to read some of the opening introduction: This benefit is to help Greg...

Peter Schiff vs Everybody Else

This video is a compilation of Peter Schiff vs all these experts -- from earlier this year, before the financial collapse. Peter's predictions -- which were 100 % diametrically opposed to the others, proved to be 100% correct. Yet they are self-evident to anyone who...

Pie Auction for Greg Wallace on Moody Radio

Mrs. Bluedorn et. al, Just wanted to let you know that I decided to put together a feature for today’s PTA on the Wallace benefit. Here is the link to the completed piece. Thanks so much for allowing us to be there. By the way, the video will take A LOT longer! Paul D...

Where is Toodles today?

Where is Toodles today? The 12th person to email me the correct answer wins a book. bluedorn AT triviumpursuit DOT com UPDATE: We still don't have a winner! UPDATE: We finally have a winner. Toodles is near the top of Devil's Tower in Wyoming. Here are the entries....

Two Days Till Pie Auction

Pie Auction Up-Date We now have 148 people coming!! Paul and Linda Barrette have donated a gift basket from Bath and Body Works -- Sweet Pea. If you’re looking for a fresh idea for an afternoon or evening of multi-generational fun, Andy & Karen Fuzak are offering...

Three Days Till Pie Auction

Pie Auction Up-Date 145 people 5 raffle items ($2 per raffle ticket) Candy Store (fill your cup and make a donation) 10 Pie Eating contest contestants (vote for who you think will win -- winner gets to keep his jar of $$) Portrait Studio/Photographer (if the lighting...

Four Days Till Pie Auction

Pie Auction Up-Date James Bausch and Paul Butler will be recording interviews and capturing the evening on video for a short documentary production. They hope to highlight the importance of Christian community during times of trial.

Six Days Till Pie Auction

Shades of Blue -- jewelry by Melody Hemmer We have six entries in the Best Pumpkin Pie Contest and the winner will receive this set of beautiful jewelry. It's not too late to enter, so if you'd like a chance to win, just let us know.

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