by Laurie Bluedorn | Mar 31, 2007 | Contests
Erin M. Hagedon from Tucson, AZ is our winner this time. Answer:This is an ordered list of gifts traditionally given on a wedding anniversary. More tomorrow. We’re very happy here today….
by Laurie Bluedorn | Mar 31, 2007 | Contests
The seventh person to email me (bluedorn AT triviumpursuit DOT com) the correct answer to the following question wins a copy of one of our children’s picturebooks (your choice). What is the significance of the following list of words? Paper Cotton Leather Linen...
by Laurie Bluedorn | Mar 31, 2007 | Contests
Becca Beard from Flower Mound, TX was the fifth person to answer correctly. Answer: They both contain famous wedding music — The Bridal Chorus from Wagner’s Lohengrin and the Wedding March from Mendelssohn’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Becca wins a copy of My...
by Laurie Bluedorn | Mar 31, 2007 | Contests
The fifth person to email me (bluedorn AT triviumpursuit DOT com) the correct answer to the following question wins a copy of one of our children’s picturebooks (your choice). What do Richard Wagner’s Lohengrin and Felix Mendelssohn’s A Midsummer...
by Laurie Bluedorn | Mar 31, 2007 | Contests
Contests coming.