More on Delayed Formal Math

I am trying to figure out how your recommendation about delaying formal math until age ten would work out in practice. Specifically, when does the child learn basic math facts? It seems to me that you can’t do much math without knowing the math facts. If you...


What I have trouble with is copybook. My children seem to be allergic to pencils and paper. Suggestions please! Judy Have you tried buying the children special colored or regular pencils or markers and special books filled with blank pages for doing their copywork?...

Books on Tape

Just placed an order with Blackstone Audio. Leave it to Psmith by P.G. Wodehouse, read by Frederick Davidson Davidson is our favorite reader, and several here love anything by Wodehouse. Come on Seabiscuit by Ralph Moody, read by Jim Weiss This will be the first...

New Spell to Write and Read DVD

The DVD, You CAN Do It! – Spell to Write and Read, features endorsed SWR trainer Britta McColl teaching her own children in her home with SWR. Spell to Write and Read is an intensive phonics curriculum written by Wanda Sanseri.