Hates Holding the Pencil

I have a 10 yob who has done very little formal academics. He is very creative in nature, devours books (although he didn’t learn to read until age 9), draws continually, has an inventors mind (like his beloved daddy), can recite to you anything he has read from...

Contest Time!

Kathi and Elias from Leipzig, Germany are reading The Lord Builds the House. What is the name of the building in the background and what is it famous for? The first person to answer correctly (in the comment section of this post) wins a copy of The Lord Builds the...

Tributes to Mother

Mother O’ Mine Mother o’ mine, because you gave To me the joy of living; Because your soul, your life, your whole Were mingled in that giving; Because you’ve known my frailities, Yet counted them as naught; Because you’ve guessed my hidden...