Food Co-op Order

I’m in big trouble today. We picked up the food co-op order this afternoon. I don’t know why they don’t put more descriptions on the items in their catalog. How was I supposed to know that the Soft Baked Double Chocolate Brownie Cookies are nut and...

Adult Peer Pressure

Laurie, My sister who is expecting her fifth child at the end of April is currently homeschooling her oldest two daughters, grades 1 and 3. She is knowledgeable in the classical approach, tries to use it herself, and also has helped to start a classical school that...

Lost on Mount Baldy

MOUNTAINS are a CHALLENGE Mount Baldy is in-between Los Angeles (near the sea) and Lancaster (in the desert). It is actually called Mount San Antonio. Saturday morning, November 19, we (Mario, Toby, Jonathan, Hans, and Nathaniel) drove as far as we could towards Mount...