• jettison = to throw something from a ship, aircraft, or vehicle in distress in order to lighten the load; to discard or abandon something such as an idea or project
• kakistocracy = a state or country run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens
• legerdemain = a display of skill or cleverness, especially for deceitful purposes; sleight of hand
• permutation = a change or transformation; an arrangement of items created by moving or reordering them; the reordering or rearranging of items in a group
• provenance = the place of origin of something; the source and ownership history of a work of art or literature or of an archaeological find
• purloin = to steal something, especially when the theft breaks another’s trust
• turgid = pompous, boring, and overcomplicated; swollen and overflowing
If one of us could use all of the above words in one sentence together we should win a prize–and sadly I think it possible to come up with a fairly accurate sentence describing our current situation…