The Trivium Helps Troubled Children

by | Raising Children | 0 comments

My husband and I were providentially brought to your website about 4 years ago, when our daughter was three years old, and we have been happily classically/eclectically educating our daughter since then. Teaching the Trivium: Christian Homeschooling in a Classical Style and Hand That Rocks the Cradle have probably been our best and most enjoyable resources to date.

About 1 1/2 years ago, we became a foster family for two little girls, ages 6 and 3. Briefly, they came to us in a pretty bad way – first from parents who did not take care of them at all, and then from living six months in the foster system (i.e. sat in front of a TV for hours a day in different homes). They both had speech problems (the only consonants being d, t, and w), and the 6-year-old could not even count to 10. I need not add they had very short attention spans. There was talk about diagnosing them with learning and attention disorders.

Enter, a Zero Television policy, read-aloud classic literature, TATRAS, Math-U-See, and much prayer. The little girls are doing so well the state is allowing us to homeschool them this year (truly a miracle). In less than a year their speech problems have completely disappeared, their attention spans are terrific, and their (mostly informal) math skills are great. Oh, and it must be stated, that learning first-time obedience was at the top of the chart when they came into our home.

We want to thank you for all the information you provided on your site. We wanted to let people know also that these methods helped two really troubled children, when “professionals” had decided they couldn’t be helped without extensive therapy and medication.

We are humbled, and grateful to God to be a part of this process.

— A Reader


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