Practical Homeschooling Magazine

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If you renew your subscription to Practical Homeschooling NOW, you will receive an amazing bonus.

It’s a great source for 400 classic books the whole family can enjoy reading aloud (or separately).

Each mini review header tells you the time period the book is about, the location in which the action occurs, the year in which it is written, and the reading level.

It gets even better. The reviews are written by a homeschool family (the Bluedorns, of Trivium Pursuit fame).

And, as icing on the cake, reviews are listed by subject and by author, making it a snap to plan for unit studies and to locate books at the library!

That’s what you’ll get in Nathaniel Bluedorn’s brand-new edition of Hand that Rocks the Cradle.

Your Personal Guide to the Best Classic Children’s Books

You’ve heard them say, “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” This has always been true, because those who gain their children’s love and loyalty influence the next generation.

Today, the child who grows up reading well, with a great literary background, has a serious advantage in all of life. And the child who spends time with great books is not wasting time with TV and the Internet!

Hand that Rocks the Cradle, published by Christian Logic, will help you provide this great start. Many of the 400 classic books it recommends will be new to you. Others will be old friends. In either case, this slim volume belongs in your purse on every library trip.

Get Hand that Rocks the Cradle free (a $15 value) plus free shipping (a $5 value), when you renew or extend your Practical Homeschooling subscription.

— Mary Pride, publisher of Practical Homeschooling magazine and author of Mary Pride’s Complete Guide to Getting Started in Homeschooling, Schoolproof, The Way Home: Beyond Feminism Back to Reality, and All the Way Home: Power for Your Family to Be Its Best.

1 Comment

  1. LaurieBluedorn

    NEW subscribers can also request the book as a premium.


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