New magazine for homeschooling teens in Korea plus win this issue

by | Korean Translation | 1 comment



Samuel Chung is a 16-year-old homeschooler in Korea. He and his friends just published the first issue of a magazine for Korean homeschooling teens. The theme for this issue is “Why are you homeschooling?”

Samuel: “Today, many Korean homeschooling teenagers and their parents feel discouraged and nervous with their unclear future and the harsh, competitive circumstances in Korea. We often have doubts about homeschooling. Recently I heard one of my friend’s mother saying “Should my child have gone to public school?” and it may be the same doubt that many parents and homeschooling teenagers have in their mind. In Korea, we don’t have many options for entering college or for preparing for the entrance examinations like normal students (in Korea, people tend to ignore those who don’t graduate from college), and we feel as if we are thrown into the midst of a hurricane called the “wild, harsh world of entrance examination competition.” We are frightened before the world like Israelites before the mighty Canaanites and giants. That’s why we are asking ourselves, “Why are you homeschooling?” We need to be refreshed by remembering the purpose of homeschooling and how and why it was begun. We sought the counsel and encouragement of the Bluedorns and named the magazine Teen’s Magazine — it was born with the help of the Bluedorns — they are newborn Teen’s Magazine’s midwife!”

I’d like to get the word out about this magazine plus give away this one issue to a Korean-speaking homeschooling teen in the U.S. Here’s the offer: if you are a Korean-speaking homeschooling teen (U.S. addresses only) and would like to win this copy, post the link to this blog post on your Facebook page and send us an email ( We’ll pick one winner next week.

If you would like to contact Samuel Chung about Teen’s Magazine, you can email him at


Harvey Bluedorn with a copy of the first issue of Teen’s Magazine

1 Comment

  1. Hélène

    Asians are extremely bound in education-ism. It’s true that if you dont go to college, you are a failure. Its sad to see this false god pervades the Church in Korea also. The stress students are under, with extra classes and tutelage nights and weekends, is HUGE. They know nothing but academics. My heart truly is heavy for the children of the Asian continent.


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