WHAT: Our friend Greg Wallace needs help with his chemo treatments and other medical expenses right now. Greg is the oldest son of Larry and Nan Wallace — long time homeschool leaders in the Decatur, Illinois area.
WHERE: This event will be held in the beautiful Post House Ballroom, 100 West Second Street, Dixon, Illinois.
WHEN: Sunday, July 25, 5-9 PM
WHO: You are invited — open invitation to all, but RSVP by July 11 is necessary.
Finger Food Supper Bar — Please bring your favorite finger food supper items and snacks to share throughout the evening. We’ll start eating at 5 PM.
Pie/Cake/Cookie/Dessert Auction at 6 PM — Bring your best desserts, labeling each dessert with the name of the dessert and the name of the baker. Highest bid takes the dessert.
Barn Dance from 7-9 PM with a caller and live music.
Pie Eating Contest at 8 PM. Let us know if you’d like to participate. Count the cost before you volunteer!
Best Apple Pie Contest — Contact us if you are interested in entering.
Silent Auction — You are invited to bring gift baskets which we will put up for silent auction.
Raffle Items — if you have an item you’d like to donate, please let us know.
Checklist for party:
–RSVP if you will be attending. Please pass this invitation on to others.
–Bring one or more desserts for the auction. Let us know how many you plan to bring.
–Tell us if you would like to enter the Best Apple Pie Contest or if you will be bringing gift baskets.
–Bring dancing shoes!!
–Bring plenty of your favorite finger food dishes and snacks to share.
–Bring plenty of $$$ to bid on the desserts, for casting your votes in the Best Apple Pie Contest, for the silent auctions, and the raffles.
We will provide the paper plates, forks, napkins, cups, and drinks.
If you are unable to attend but would like to contribute, you could either send your donations directly to Greg Wallace or send us (the Bluedorns or the Hemmers) money to make up a gift basket to put up for auction in your name.
Makes checks out to Greg Wallace (2379 North 800 East Road, Moweaqua, IL 62550). All money collected will go to Greg.
Hope to see you there!
RSVP by July 11 to the Bluedorns (bluedorn @ triviumpursuit.com or 309-537-3641)
Ava Bluedorn has just donated a 10-week-old (at the time of the auction) German Shepherd puppy. These puppies normally sell for $750-1000. This puppy will be auctioned during the pie auction at around 6:30 PM. More info on the puppies here and here.
Hope you are having a great time and raising lots of money for Greg! I am at home with a terrible ear infection celebrating my birthday with my family. My prayers are always with you, Greg!