Getting a Good Education

by | Raising Children | 1 comment

Sometimes we confuse the phrase going to college with getting an education.

If I were to state here that I think girls shouldn’t go to college, I suppose someone would take that to mean that I believe girls should only stay home and learn how to cook and clean and take care of babies. They have equated the phrase going to college with getting an education.

I firmly believe that girls need to get an education (beyond learning the basics of housekeeping). Girls need to be educated just as much as do boys, though the education of girls may take different directions than the education of boys. After all, it is our girls who will be educating the next generation of homeschoolers.

So, the question really is, can a man or woman get a good education without going to a college? A corollary question could be, is it possible that going to a college will interfere with someone getting a good education?

I would suggest the answer to be yes on both fronts. Those who lean towards the classical method of education are fond of saying that they strive to give their children the tools of learning so that they can later teach themselves. If that is so, then college turns out to be unnecessary in many cases. Did you labor for 12 years to give them these tools only to turn them over to a college for 4 or 6 or more years to gain what — more tools?

Do you think it is possible to get a good education without going to a college? Is it possible that going to college can interfere with getting a good education?

1 Comment

  1. Education Pusher

    It kind of bothered me when you added in brackets, (beyond learning the basics of housekeeping). Men also need to learn this. It’s not just left for the female gender. Our world has evolved and has recognized men and female to be of equal.


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